Extremely Useful Inventory and Stash Management Tool for Diablo 4

D4’s inventory management has been a hot topic since launch, and has become even more so recently as players are only getting one extra stash tab with the next patch. Well, as with most other things, the game’s community comes to the rescue!

The Stash From Hell

T-bush created an online tool where you can manage your stash/inventory! Not only will you be able to check your gear and Aspects while away from the game, but it also has some very needed additional features, primarily filter and search functions!

The downside is you’ll have to add all your stuff in manually. There’s a pretty easy way to do it, as you can just search for and then select your wanted Aspect (and the item it’s on, if applicable), but it’ll take you a while to get it all done. Once you are, however, you can easily search through your gear and Aspects to compare what you have without having to hover over to see the full details. It’s not perfect, as multi-variable stat Aspects are not supported (yet) and you can only enter one number variable when adding an item/Aspect. It also doesn’t support Malignant Hearts. As you can see below, once you type in your desired Aspect, those that you have will stand out:

You’ll need to log in with your Discord account for it to work, so keep that in mind if that’s a deal-breaker for you. You can check the tool out here.

Here’s the creator’s explanation of the functionality.

Manage your items in four separate stashes using a 10×5 grid layout, just like in-game.
Use the Item and Item Type selectors to simultaneously filter your stash and add a new item.
Place your loot in the same location as your in-game stash, allowing you to easily find it later on.

Place your loot in the same location as your in-game stash, allowing you to easily find it later on.

PRIZED POSSESSIONS. The idea is simple… keep tabs on your best items. Use the “Stash Location” button to easily track down their location.

Hopefully, this helps you out with your many awesome items and their sorting!


