Hilarious Image of Players Forming a Line for Soup

A Diablo 4 player shared a hilarious image of nearly a dozen players standing in line for soup in the game.

This happened in Gae Kul (Dry Steppes), where doislan started a queue and random people started joining. Soon, there were nearly a dozen players patiently waiting for their turn! Interactions like these create the most memorable moments in MMORPGs.

So I started a queue and random people just joined
by u/doislan in diablo4

The post soon blew up on Reddit and accrued 20.3K upvotes. Others obviously started joking, mentioning their “local spot blew up and they now have to wait an hour to get some soup”, and similar.

by u/Kenorwoks from discussion So I started a queue and random people just joined
in diablo4
by u/CluckyFlucker from discussion So I started a queue and random people just joined
in diablo4

Some even made fun of the game’s lack of a Group Finder.

by u/milkoso88 from discussion So I started a queue and random people just joined
in diablo4



