When Chests Kill: How to Solve the Cellar Rune Puzzle

Silent chests, Mutterlock chests, they both have their own ways of opening. But with them the worst thing that happens if you can’t is you don’t get the loot. This next one will also kill you if you fail its event! And sure, technically it isn’t a chest at first, but it does reward one, so we’re lumping it into the same category! Since we recently took a look at both the improved Silent chests and how to open Mutterlock ones, let’s see the chest encounter of the third kind.

So, you’re wandering through the dark corners of Sanctuary, all geared up and ready for action. You enter a random cellar, getting ready for hordes of bloodthirsty enemies (or three goblins) and… no one’s there… just some weird symbols on the ground. You approach them with caution, tentatively step on one and… boom, you’re dead.

That’s how things go for most players who encounter this rare cellar for the first time.

Source: NulaVI

How to Solve the Puzzle/Rune Cellar?

Before getting into it, a simple warning: if you play a hardcore character get out of the cellar. Seriously. These runes can and probably will kill you. Think of entering a minefield if you will – one tiny misstep (or misclick) and it’s game over.

So, how to do this… You’ll find three runes inscribed on a stone slab (let’s call it a chest for symmetry’s sake) and nine more scattered across the floor. Your task is to step on the runes in the exact order they appear on the slab, reading from left to right. Sounds simple, right?

Well, no, since all of the runes are booby-trapped. All of them, even the correct ones. As soon as you step on any rune, use Evade/movement ability to get away or an AoE blast will get you. If you got the correct rune, it will explode and disappear (from the slab and from the floor). If you hit the wrong rune, all of them will explode, and the puzzle will reset. The silver lining is that you can try (and die) as many times as you need/want. Once you clear the third rune, the stone slab will yield it’s reward, and you shall receive a nice little Radiant chest for your trouble.

If you want to see how it’s done, check out this video:

If you want to see how it is NOT done, check out this video:


Here are some thing to keep in mind before starting the event:

  • If you’re a HC character, get out. Get out now. It’s not worth the trouble.
  • Wait for the cooldown(s) on your Evade ability before stepping on another rune.
  • If you’re playing a Necromancer, destroy your summons because they will trigger the runes.
  • If you have 2 correct runes to choose from on the floor, it doesn’t matter which one you chose – both will work.
  • If you chose to ignore 1. and got your HC character killed, I hate to say I told you so… so, welcome to Miami.

What were your experiences with this particular cellar?


