Barbarian Infinite Damage Is Back: Billions Berserk Barber Barb!

Well that didn’t take long. The Aspect of Berserk RippingAspect of Berserk Ripping was removed from the game a for a long time while it got fixed – and then it took it around a few hours to get un-fixed. The billion Barbarian Berserk Rip is back!

Now, this one isn’t quite as bad as the 35 undecillion (36 zeroes) damage that got the Aspect removed last time. This time around the Aspect is joining forces with the Barber Wrathful Malignant Heart, as it’s popping bosses, including Uber Lilith, like very tiny balloons. So how does it work? Well, pretty simple. Berserk Ripping adds 20-30% of your direct damage as bleed. The Barber takes damage after a crit, absorbs it for a few seconds and then explodes it with a damage buff. The Baber’s explosion is counted as direct damage. Bers Ripping makes a % of that Bleed. Then the Barber takes all that bleed and explodes again, generating even more bleed on top. And so on until billions of damage.

Rob explains it all below, including a very weird thing with Lilith’s health literally going down then back up again.

Player responses in threads talking about it are basically “don’t talk about it, you’ll get us nerfed again”. However, this isn’t necessarily a bug, as other classes are also able to 1-shot Uber Lilith in their own ways. But that doesn’t mean it won’t get nerfed.

So, what do you think? Is this fine or should it be nerfed?


