How Enchanting Gold Costs Are Calculated

If you’re wondering how Enchanting gold costs are calculated in Diablo 4, here’s a post that explains them in detail!

Enchanting gold costs are calculated based on the item sell value and the number of previous attempts. Item type (Sacred vs Ancestral) doesn’t matter. Legendary items have a higher sell cost compared to Rares, but both follow the same pattern.

Reddit user HamAndSomeCoffee explains your first enchant will be 3x the sell price. The second attempt will add 12x the sell price to the first one, for a total of 15x. The third, fourth, fifth and sixth will add 3x the sell price, so 18x, 21x, 24x, and 27x, respectively.

By your 37th attempt, where you add 30x the sell price per enchant, you will have racked up 582x the item price. For more details, check out the linked Reddit thread.

How Enchanting Gold Costs are Calculated
by u/HamAndSomeCoffee in diablo4


