An Overview of All Class Changes Coming in Season 2

Diablo 4 Season 2 starts tomorrow, so we’re recapping all class changes that will go live with Patch 1.2.0!

All Season 2 Class Changes (Diablo 4 Patch 1.2.0)

Diablo 4 Patch 1.2.0 Class Changes

Class Balance Updates

Unique Items

  • Mad Wolf’s Glee
    • Poison Damage affix replaced with Damage at 140% of normal value.
    • Physical Damage affix replaced with bonus Maximum Life.

  • Insatiable Fury
    • Overpower Damage affix increased by 100%.
    • Total Armor while in Werebear Form affix increased by 180%.

  • Storm’s Companion
    • Ranks of Wolves affix increased by 66%.
    • Companion Skill Damage affix replaced with bonus Maximum Life.
    • Potion Drop Rate affix replaced with Damage Reduction.

  • Fleshrender
    • Damage While Shapeshifted Affix increased by 100%.
    • Damage While Healthy Affix replaced with Core Skill Damage.
    • The damage dealt to Poisoned enemies from Debilitating Roar and Blood Howl is now increased by x10% for each 100 Willpower you have.

  • Hunter’s Zenith
    • Damage While Shapeshifted affix increased by 60%.
    • Bonus Ranks of the Quickshift Passive affix increased by 200%.
    • Critical Strike Damage with Wolf Skills affix replaced with Critical Strike Chance.
    • Overpower Damage with Bear Skills affix replaced with Bonus Ranks of the Heightened Senses Passive.


  • Fierce Earth Spike
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Enhanced Maul
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Ravens
    • Passive damage increased from .2 to .24.
    • Active Damage increased from 1.6 to 2.5.

  • Enhanced Ravens
    • Bonus Critical Strike Chance increased from 5% to 8%.

  • Rabies
    • Damage increased from 1.1 to 1.4.
    • Spread speed increased by 50%.

  • Natural Rabies
    • Spread Speed bonus reduced from 100% to 50%.

Developer’s Note: Actual spread speed remains unchanged due to base spread speed increase for Rabies.

  • Preserving Earthen Bulwark
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Enhanced Debilitating Roar
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Ferocious Wolf Pack
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Trample
    • Knockback distance reduced by 10%.

  • Natural Trample
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Supreme Grizzly Rage
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.


  • Ancestral Fortitude
    • You gain +5/10/15% Resistance to All Elements.

  • Charged Atmosphere
    • Interval for Lightning Bolts reduced from 18/15/12 seconds to 14/11/8 seconds.

  • Electric Shock
    • Lucky Hit: Chance to Immobilize increased from 5/10/15% to 8/16/24%.
    • Bonus damage to Immobilized enemies increased from 6/12/18% to 7/14/21%.

  • Safeguard
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Thick Hide
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Nature’s Resolve
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Natural Fortitude
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Nature’s Fury
    • Casting an Earth Skill has a 30% chance to trigger a free Storm Skill of the same category, and vice versa. These free Skills count as both Earth and Storm Skills.

  • Ursine Strength
    • While Healthy, deal 25% (multiplicative damage) [x] increased damage, and 25%[x] increased Overpower damage.

  • Lupine Ferocity
    • The guaranteed Critical Strike’s bonus damage is increased to 140% [x] against Injured enemies.

Legendary Aspects

  • Aspect of the Rampaging Werebeast
    • Critical Strike Damage bonus amount now has a maximum of 200%.


  • Earthen Devastation
    • Previous: Your Earth Skills deal 30% [x] increased damage to enemies afflicted by Crowd Control.
    • New: Earth Skills deal 10%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage, increased by 25%[x] of the total amount of your Bonus Damage to Crowd Controlled up to 40%[x].

  • Thunderstruck
    • Previous: Storm Skills deal 30%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage against Vulnerable or Immobilized enemies.
    • New: Storm Skills deal bonus damage equal to 50%[x] of the total amount of your Damage to Close and Damage to Distant bonuses.

  • The Skeletal Warriors Inherit Thorns, Skeletal Mages Inherit Thorns, and Golem Inherits Thorns affixes have been combined into a single Affix: Minions Inherit Thorns.
  • A new Affix has been added: Minions Inherit Critical Strike Chance.
  • Cooldown Reduction can now appear on Shields.
  • Shields now have an Armor Value determined by their Item Power.
  • Blood Orbs now also heal your Minions for 15% of your Maximum Life when picked up.


  • Prime Army of the Dead
    • Chance to leave behind a Corpse increased from 15% to 100%.

  • Initiate’s Hemorrhage
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Supernatural Blood Surge
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Dreadful Blood Mist
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Dreadful Bone Prison
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.
    • Decompose time to make a Corpse reduced from 2 to 1.5 seconds.


  • Death’s Defense
    • Previous: Your minions cannot lose more than 60/45/30% of their Maximum Life from a single Damage Instance.
    • New Functionality: Your Minions gain +4/8/12% Armor and 8/16/24% Resistance to All Elements.

Developer’s Note: We’ve redesigned the Death’s Defense passive, and its previous functionality, when at max Rank, now serves as a baseline for all Minions.

  • Terror
    • Now applies to your Shadow damage, rather than Darkness skills.
    • The first bonus now applies to Chilled enemies, and its second bonus applies to Frozen enemies.

  • Stand Alone
    • The description for this Passive has been updated to: Increases Damage Reduction by 6/12/18% when you have no minions. Each active minion reduces this bonus by 2%.

  • Drain Vitality
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Necrotic Carapace
    • Fortify amount changed from being based on Base Life to Maximum life.

  • Rathma’s Vigor
    • Previous: Increase your Maximum Life by 10% [x]. After being Healthy for 12 seconds, your next Blood skill Overpowers.
    • New: After being Healthy for 12 seconds, your next Blood Skill Overpowers. This timer is reduced by 2 seconds each time Blood Orbs Heal or Overheal you for an amount greater than or equal to your base Life.

  • Shadowblight
    • Previous: Shadow Damage infects enemies with Shadowblight for 2 seconds. You and your minions deal 10% [x] bonus damage to enemies with Shadowblight. Every 10th time an enemy receives Shadow damage from you or your Minions while they are affected by Shadowblight, they take an additional 22% Shadow Damage.
    • New: Shadow damage infects enemies with Shadowblight for 2 seconds. Every 10th time an enemy receives Shadow damage from you or your Minions while they are affected by Shadowblight, they take an additional 22% Shadow damage. Shadowblight’s damage is increased by 100% [x] of your Shadow Damage over Time bonus.

  • Transfusion
    • Previous: Blood Orbs also Heal your Minions for 20%/40%/60% of their heal amount.
    • New: Lucky Hit: Blood Skills have a 3/6/9% chance on hit to spawn a Blood Orb. This can only occur once every 4 seconds. This chance is doubled against bosses.

Developer’s Note: We’ve reworked the Transfusion passive. Its previous functionality is now the default effect of blood orbs.

  • Gruesome Mending
    • Previous: While below 50% life, you receive 10%/20%/30% Healing from all sources.
    • New: Receive 10/20/30%+ more Healing from all sources.

  • Inspiring Leader
    • Healthy duration requirement reduced from 4 to 2 seconds.

  • Ossified Essence
    • Damage % per Essence past 50 reduced from 1.0% to 0.5%.

  • Bonded in Essence
    • Cooldown increased from 5 to 8 seconds.

Developer’s Note: This is an adjustment to match the update to Skeletal Priests, which can be seen below.

Book of the Dead

  • Skeletal Warrior’s Defenders Sacrifice Bonus has been updated to: You gain +20% Resistance to All Elements, but you can no longer raise Skeletal Warriors.
  • Skeletal Warrior
    • Skirmishers
      • Base damage increased from 0.11 to 0.14.

    • Defenders
      • Base damage increased from 0.11 to 0.14.

  • Golems
    • Basic attack damage increased by 100%.

  • Blood Golem
    • Active damage increased from 0.9 to 1.4.

  • Iron Golem
    • Active damage increased from 1.75 to 2.

  • Raise Skeleton
    • Skeleton Priest duration increased from 5 to 8 seconds, total healing increased from 15% to 25%.

  • Bone Mage Sacrifice
    • Overpower Bonus reduced from 40% to 25%.


  • Mage Paragon Glyph’s Additional Bonus
    • Previous: Skeletal Mages gain 25% Resistance to All Elements.
    • New: Minions gain +35% Resistance to All Elements.

  • Warrior Paragon Glyph’s Additional Bonus
    • Previous: Skeletal Warriors gain 20% increased Armor.
    • New: Minions gain +30% increased Armor.

  • Infused Caster Rare Node
    • Previous: Skeletal Mages Resistance to All Elements.
    • New: Minion Resistance to All Elements.

  • Flesh-horror Rare Node
    • Previous: Golems Resistance to All Elements.
    • New: Minion Resistance to All Elements.

  • “+% Minion Armor” on Paragon Nodes has been increased from +4% to +8% on Rare Nodes and +2% to +4% on Magic Nodes.
  • +% Skeletal Warriors Armor on Paragon Nodes has been increased from +6.5% to +14% on Rare Nodes and +3.2% to 7% on Magic Nodes.
  • +% Golems Armor on Paragon Nodes have been increased from +6.5% to +14% on Rare Nodes and +3.2% to 7% Magic Nodes.
  • +% Total Armor while Golems are Active on Paragon Nodes have been increased from +2% to +6%% on Rare Nodes and +1% to +3% on Magic Nodes.
  • Hulking Monstrosity Legendary Node
    • Golem damage increased from 40% to 100%.

  • Infused Warrior Rare Node
    • Skeleton Warrior Damage increased from 17% to 25%.

  • Infused Caster Rare Node
    • Skeleton Mage Damage increased from 17% to 25%.

  • Frenzied Golem Rare Node
    • Golem Damage increased from 17% to 25%.

  • Mutation’s Golem Damage increased from 17% to 25%.
  • Infused Golem Rare Node
    • Golem Damage increased 17% to 25%.

  • Corporeal Rare Glyph
    • Previous: Paragon nodes within range gain +40.0% bonus to their Physical damage and damage reduction modifiers.
    • New: All Magic nodes within range have their effects increased by 150%.

  • Wither Legendary Node
    • The description now displays your current chance to trigger and the current value of bonus damage.

  • Bloodbath
    • Previous: Attacks that are guaranteed to Overpower deal 50% [x] increased Overpower damage.
    • New: All Overpowered attacks deal 35% [x] increased Overpower damage.

  • Bone Graft
    • Maximum Essence per stack reduced from 3 to 2, total Maximum Essence reduced from 24 to 16.

  • Changed Wither Legendary Node scaling from Willpower to Intelligence.
  • Changes Darkness Glyph scaling from Willpower to Intelligence.
  • Change Scourge Glyph scaling from Willpower to Intelligence.

Unique Items

  • Blood Artisan’s Cuirass
    • Total Armor affix replaced with bonus Maximum Life.

  • Deathless Visage
    • Total Armor affix replaced with Damage Reduction.
    • The Echoes left behind by Bone Spear from the Unique power now deal 5% [x] increased damage for every +30% of your Critical Strike Bonus Damage stat.
    • Damage reduced from 0.28-0.38 to 0.25-0.35.

  • Bloodless Scream
    • Damage to Frozen Enemies affix replaced with Bonus Intelligence.
    • Chill amount for Darkness skills increased from 40 to 100.
    • The Unique Power has had the following effect added: Darkness Skills deal x20-x50% bonus damage to Frozen enemies.

  • Deathspeaker’s Pendant
    • Summoning Skill Damage affix increased by 100%.
    • Overpower Damage affix replaced with Essence Cost Reduction.
    • Damage increased from 0.1-0.15 to 0.15-0.2.

  • Black River
    • Damage to Healthy Enemies affix replaced with Bonus Ranks of All Corpse Skills at up to 1 Rank above normal value.
    • Damage to Distant Enemies affix replaced with Bonus Ranks of the Hewed Flesh Passive.

  • Lidless Wall
    • Damage to Distant Enemies affix replaced with bonus Maximum Life.

  • Ring of Mendeln
    • The unique power no longer requires 7 or more minions to be active.

Legendary Aspects

  • Hulking Aspect
    • Hulking Aspect will no longer appear on Rings. Instead, it will appear on Helmets, Chest Armor, Boots, Gloves, Amulets, and Shields.

  • Tidal Aspect
    • Damage penalty reduced from 60-50% to 50-40%.

  • Aspect of Empowering Reaper
    • Blight bonus damage increased from 20-60% to 40-80%.

  • Aspect of Hardened Bones
    • No longer requires 7 or more minions.

  • Aspect of Reanimation
    • Now affects your Golem as well as your Skeletons.

  • Coldbringer’s Aspect
    • Any Skeletal Mages can cast Blizzard, rather than just Cold Skeletal Mages.

  • Aspect of Potent Blood
    • Previous: While at Full life, Blood Orbs grant 10-20 Essence.
    • New: While Healthy, Blood Orbs grant 10-20 Essence.

Unique Items

  • Grasp of Shadow
    • Bonus Ranks of all Core Skills affix increased by 100%.
    • Shadow Clone Damage affix increased by 150%.
    • Damage to Vulnerable Enemies affix replaced with bonus Dexterity.

  • Condemnation
    • Critical Strike Chance Against Injured Enemies affix replaced with Critical Strike Damage.

  • Windforce
    • Core Skill Damage affix increased by 40%.
    • Damage to Distant Enemies affix replaced with bonus Ranks of the Concussive Passive.
    • Lucky Hit Chance to deal double damage and Knock Back enemies increased from 10-20% to 20-30%.

  • Skyhunter
    • Previous: The first direct damage you deal to an enemy is a guaranteed Critical Strike. If you had maximum stacks of the Precision Key Passive when you cast the Skill, gain 20-30 energy. This can only happen once per cast.
    • New: The first direct damage you deal to an enemy is a guaranteed Critical Strike. If you have the maximum stacks of the Precision Key Passive when you cast a Core Skill, then that skill gains 10-20% bonus Critical Strike Damage and you gain 5-10 Energy.

  • Cowl of the Nameless
    • Maximum Energy affix replaced with bonus Ranks of Imbuement Skills at up to 1 Rank above normal value.
    • Dexterity affix replaced with Damage Reduction from Close Enemies.

  • Eaglehorn
    • Previous: Penetrating Shot has a 30-80% chance to fire an arrow that bounces off walls and scenery. Hitting enemies from behind with Penetrating Shot will make them Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
    • New: Penetrating Shot has a 30-80% chance to fire an arrow that bounces off walls and scenery. Damaging 5 enemies with Penetrating Shot will cause your next cast to make enemies hit Vulnerable for 3 seconds.

  • Eyes in the Dark
    • Damage to Enemies Affected by Trap Skills increased by 150%.
    • Damage to Elites affix replaced with Maximum Life.
    • Dodge Chance affix replaced with Damage Reduction.
    • The Unique Power now additionally increases the damage of Death Trap by 30-50%.

  • Word of Hakan
    • Ultimate Skill Damage affix increased by 200%.
    • Cooldown Reduction affix replaced with Rain of Arrows Cooldown Reduction at 300% of normal value.
    • Critical Strike Damage with Imbued Skills affix replaced with Movement Speed.


  • Primary Blade Shift Upgrade
    • Description has been updated to: While Blade Shift is active, you gain +15% Resistance to All Elements and reduce the duration of incoming Control Impairing effects by 20%.”

  • Blade Shift
    • Lucky Hit Chance increased from 35% to 50%.
    • Enhanced Blade Shift now gives the full 20% Movement Speed bonus immediately.

  • Heartseeker
    • Critical Strike Chance bonus effect increased from 3% to 5% per stack. The cap is still 15%.

  • Forceful Arrow
    • Lucky Hit Chance increased from 40% to 50%.

  • Countering Dark Shroud
    • Now requires at least 2 active shadows, down from 4, to gain its Critical Strike Chance increase.

  • Caltrops
    • Duration increased from 6 to 7 seconds.

  • Enhanced Smoke Grenade
    • Damage taken increased from 20% to 25%.


  • Impetus
    • Distance for Damage buff reduced from 15 to 12 meters.
    • Now increases the damage of your next non-Basic attack.

  • Victimize
    • Victimize’s damage is increased by 120% of your Damage vs Vulnerable bonus.

  • Close Quarters Combat
    • Damage Calculation Updated.
    • Previous: Damaging a Close enemy with Marksman or Cutthroat Skills each grant a 10% (additive damage) [+] Attack Speed bonus for 8 seconds. While both Attack Speed bonuses are active, you deal 30% [x] increased damage against Crowd Controlled enemies.
    • New: Damaging a Close enemy with Marksman or Cutthroat Skills each grant a 10% [+] Attack Speed bonus for 8 seconds. While both Attack Speed bonuses are active, your damage dealt is increased by 40%[x] of the total amount of your Damage vs Crowd Controlled bonus.


  • Eldritch Bounty Legendary Node
    • Previous: When you attack with an Imbued Skill, you gain 20% Resistance and 20% increased damage for that Imbuement’s element for 9 seconds.
    • New: When you attack with an Imbued Skill, you gain +3% Maximum Resistance and 20% increased damage for that Imbuement’s element for 9 seconds.

  • Pride Rare Glyph
    • Previous: Paragon nodes within range gain +40.0% bonus to their Physical damage and Damage Reduction modifiers.
    • New: +125% bonus to all Rare nodes within range.

  • No Witnesses Legendary Node
    • Previous: Your Ultimate Skills deal 30% [x] increased damage and grant you 10% [x] increased damage for 20 seconds when cast.
    • New: Your Ultimate Skills gain an additional 10% [x] damage from your Damage with Ultimate bonus and grant this bonus to all Skills for 8 seconds when cast.

Legendary Aspects

  • Energizing Aspect
    • Energy gain when hitting an Elite with a Basic Skill increased from 3-7 to 5-9.

  • Icy Alchemist’s Aspect
    • Damage increased from 0.22-0.4 to 0.3-0.48.

  • Toxic Alchemist’s Aspect
    • Damage increased from 0.11-0.16 to 0.15-0.2.

  • Aspect of Volatile Shadows
    • Damage increased from 0.22-0.27 to 0.3-0.35.

  • Aspect of Synergy
    • Agility Skill damage increased from 10-30% to 30-50%.

  • Aspect of Bursting Venom
    • No longer requires a Critical Strike.
    • Lucky Hit chance increased from 10% to 15%.
    • Toxic pool damage increased from 1.08-1.35 to 1.25-1.52.


  • Glinting Fire Bolt
    • Previous: Critical strikes with Fire Bolt increase the Burning damage you deal to the enemy by 20% for 4 seconds.
    • New: Fire Bolt increases the Burning damage you deal to the enemy by 25% for 3 seconds.

  • Incinerate
    • Bonus damage dealt ramp-up time reduced from 4 to 2 seconds. Total damage remains unchanged.

  • Enhanced Frozen Orb
    • Threshold for bonus damage reduced from 50 to 40 Mana.
    • Maximum distance reduced from 6 to 4.
    • Additional functionality: Bonus explosion damage is increased to x45% against Elites.

  • Meteor
    • Effect radius increased by 10%.

  • Wizard’s Ball Lightning
    • Adjusted the maximum number of Crackling Energy generated per cast from 1 to 2.

  • Hydra
    • Summoned Hydra damage increased from 12% to 60%.

  • Supreme Currents
    • Additional Functionality: Crackling Energy pulses 25% faster while Unstable Currents is active.


  • Potent Warding
    • Previous: After casting a Non-Basic Skill, you gain 2/4/6% Resistance to All Elements and 1/2/3% additional Resistance to that Skill’s element from 9 seconds.
    • New: After casting a Non-Basic Skill, you gain +3/6/9% Resistance to All Elements and +1/2/3% Maximum Resistance to that Skill’s element for 9 seconds.

  • Align the Elements
    • Additional Functionality: This bonus persists for 2 seconds after taking damage.


