Hell Gate Opened Diablo 4

All 53 Diablo 4 Season 5 Uniques and Legendary Aspects

We have quite the big one today! We’ve already taken a look at the officially announced items coming with the Season 5 PTR, but today we have the (for now) full list of Uniques and Legendaries coming with the new season.

Blizzard mentioned there will be over 50 new pieces of gear coming with the full S5 release and our new guide has 53 of them covered. We have 15 new Uniques, and here are the 4 new ones found since the official preview.

New Uniques

All four of the newly datamined Uniques are available to all classes, and you can check the full list here.

The Endurant Faith gloves are of particular interest, as they turn big hits on the player into a 4-second Damage Over Time effect instead! No more 1-shots! There’s also a nice combo of two Uniques for basic skill builds, so let’s dive in.

All Classes

Crown of Lucion – Unique Helm

  • + Maximum Life
  • + to Core Skills
  • +% Lucky Hit Chance
  • + Maximum Resource
  • Gain 75% Resource Cost Reduction.

    Each time you spend Primary Resource on a Skill, you gain [5 – 25]%[x] increased damage but 25%[+] increased Resource costs for 4 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.

Endurant Faith – Unique Gloves

  • +to Core Skills
  • +% Lucky Hit Chance
  • +% Healing Received
  • + All Stats
  • When you would be damaged for at least 40% of your Maximum Life at once, it is instead distributed over the next 4 seconds and reduced by [10 – 30]%[x].

Locran’s Talisman – Unique Amulet

  • +% Attack Speed
  • + All Stats
  • +% Critical Strike Damage
  • + Maximum Resource
  • Gain [0.10 – 0.50]%[+] Critical Strike Chance per point of Primary Resource you have, up to [10 – 50]%[+]. Each point of Primary Resource above 100 grants 1%[+] Critical Strike Damage instead.

Shard of Verathiel – Unique Sword

  • + All Stats
  • + to Basic Skills
  • +% Basic Attack Speed
  • + Maximum Resource
  • Basic Skills deal [100 – 300]%[x] increased damage but additionally cost 25 Primary Resource.

Legendary Aspects

The bigger expansion of the already seen items is definitely in the Aspects. We have 22 new datamined Legendaries to check out, and here’s a short overview. You can find the full list here. We don’t have exact numbers for the damage ranges, but all percentages are in there.

All of the general ones that any class can use are new since the official announcement, so let’s see these 7 first.

All Classes

Aspect of Creeping Death – Offensive

  • You deal [5.0 – 20.0]%[x] increased damage over time to enemies for each different Crowd Control effect they’re afflicted by. Unstoppable enemies and Staggered Bosses take [10 – 40]%[x] increased damage over time from you instead.

Aspect of Inevitable Fate – Offensive

  • When an enemy falls below 35% Life while afflicted with any of your damage over time effects, an explosion occurs every 7 seconds, dealing [x – x] damage for each element they’re afflicted by.

Aspect of Sly Steps – Defensive

  • When you would accumulate 50% of your Maximum Life lost, you automatically cast an equipped Defensive, Subterfuge or Macabre Skill before receiving damage. Can only occur once every [30 – 45] seconds and cannot cast Mobility Skills.

Aspect of the Dark Dance – Resource

  • Every 5 seconds, your next Core Skill costs [x-x] Life instead of Primary Resource. Will only occur if you have at least 60% of your Maximum Life.

    Skills that consume Life deal 80%[x] increased damage.

Aspect of the Prudent Heart – Defensive

  • After being damaged for at least 20% of your Maximum Life at once, you become Immune for [2.5 – 4.0] seconds. Can only occur once every 20 seconds.

Sticker-thought Aspect – Utility

  • Gain [x-x] Thorns while Channeling and for 3 seconds afterwards.

Wildbolt Aspect – Utility

  • Every [2.0 – 3.5] seconds, Distant enemies are Pulled In to you and take 10%[x] increased damage for 3 seconds.


Barbarians get three new Aspects, in addition to the one already revealed, with a sort-of-free Berserk as well as this one which adds even more defense to the class. You can find the full list here.

Aspect of the Fortress – Defensive

  • For every 10% Life you are missing, gain [1.0 – 5.0]% Damage Reduction.


Druids get 3 new aspects in addition to the one already revealed, with these two being particularly powerful and and pushing Wolf Companions way up in power.

Moonrage Aspect – Offensive

  • Kills have a 5% chance to summon a Wolf Companion to your side for [20 – 35] seconds. This effect is a Lucky Hit against bosses. Maximum 3 additional wolves.

    In addition, gain +3 Ranks to Wolves.

Spirit Bond Aspect – Defensive

  • [10.0 – 17.5]% of the damage you would take is redirected across your Companions.

    Your Companions cannot die.


Necro’s actually got a solid number of Aspects already revealed, but we did dig up three more, with this free double curse being particularly interesting, with two more buffing minions you can check out here.

Aspect of the Cursed Aura – Utility

  • You automatically Curse enemies around you with Decrepify and Iron Maiden.

    Curses inflicted this way spread to surrounding targets every [0.2 – 2.5] seconds and last 4 seconds outside of the aura.


Rogues also got 3 new reveals in this dataming pass, with some +skill points, extra dameg to Chilled or Frozen enemies, and this big Crit Damage boost to Inner Sight. You can find the full list here.

Aspect of True Sight – Offensive

  • You deal [70 – 100]%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage to enemies marked by Inner Sight.


Same as everyone else, Sorcerer’s get 3 new ones in our datamining pass. We have triple elements, with a Burning damage proc, a random Lightining zap, and this Freeze trigger. You can find the full list here.

Winter Touch Aspect – Offensive

  • When you Freeze an enemy, you deal [x-x] Cold damage to them.

    This effect is treated as a Frost Skill.

And that’s all the Uniques and Legendary Aspects coming to Season 5! At least that’s what Blizzard have told us so far, as they announced over 50 coming, and our datamining revealing 53.


