Tempering Updates Coming to Season 5

There’s many new additions coming to Season 5, with plenty of item changes at the forefront. We’ve already taken a look at all 53 new Unique items/Aspects coming, so now let’s see the new and changed Tempering recipes and how they’ll help us better improve our gear!

Sorcerer’s won the “most new recipes” trophy, with 5 new scrolls, as they focus on specific skill augmentations as well as skill point bonuses, and more.

New Tempering Recipes

Non-Class-Specific Recipes

Worldly Finesse – Offensive

  • +X% Critical Strike Damage
  • +X% Vulnerable Damage
  • +X% Overpower Damage
  • +X% Ultimate Damage


Slayer’s Finesse – Offensive

  • Vulnerable Damage
  • Bonus Damage against Injured
  • Bleeding Damage


Ultimate Efficiency – Resource

  • Cataclysm Cooldown Reduction
  • Lacerate Cooldown Reduction
  • Petrify Cooldown Reduction
  • Grizzly Rage Cooldown Reduction


Necromancer Wall – Defensive

  • Skill Ranks of Necrotic Carapace
  • Skill Ranks of Drain Vitality
  • Minion Damage Reduction
  • Chance for your Minion Attacks to Fortify you for 3% Maximum Life


Subterfuge Expertise

  • Increased Smoke Grenade damage.
  • Increased Smoke Grenade Size.
  • Increased damage for each Dark Shroud Shadow.
  • Increased damage on Next Attack after entering Stealth.

Rogue Persistence

  • Increased Maximum Life Percentage gained while Dark Shroud is active.
  • Increased Maximum and All Resistance Percentage for 5 Seconds from Health. Potions.
  • Increased Skill Ranks of Second Wind.
  • Increased Skill Ranks of Aftermath.


Discharge – Weapon

  • +X% chance to cast an additional Charged Bolt (moved from Shock Augments).
  • +X% Teleport size (moved from Shock Augments).
  • +X% chance for Arc Lash to swipe twice.

Conjuration – Weapon

  • +1-2 Hydra Heads on Cast.
  • X% chance for another Ice Blade on Cast.
  • X% chance for another Lightning Spear on Cast.

Conjuration Fortune – Utility

  • +X% Hydra Lucky Hit Chance.
  • +X% Ice Blade Lucky Hit Chance.
  • +X% Lightning Spear Lucky Hit Chance.

Elemental Control – Utility

  • +X Skill ranks to Convulsions.
  • +X Skill ranks to Snap Freeze.
  • +X Skill ranks to Crippling Flames.

Changes to Existing Tempering Recipes


  • +X Skill ranks to Conduction – Added to Sorcerer Motion.
  • +X Ice Armor Duration – Added to Frost Cage.

Affixes Moved to Utility Tempering Recipes

The following Tempering Affixes have been moved from existing Tempering Recipes onto new Recipes in the Utility Category.

Developer’s Note: We are looking to expand what Affixes are available within the Utility Category to bring more depth and variety to Tempering.

  • Barbarian Innovation – Barbarian Utility Recipe
    • Earthquake Duration – from Wasteland Augments
    • Kick Vulnerable Duration – from Furious Augments
    • Frenzy Duration – from Berserking Augments
    • Flay Duration – from Bleed Augments
  • Nature Magic Innovation – Druid Utility Recipe
    • Hurricane Size – from Storm Augments
    • Lightning Storm Duration – from Storm Augments
    • Petrify Duration – from Earth Augments
    • Cyclone Armor Active Size – from Nature Magic Wall
  • Rogue Innovation – Rogue Utility Recipe
    • Invigorating Strike Duration – from Basic Augments
    • Twisting Blades Return Time Reduction – from Core Augments
    • Flurry Size – from Core Augments
    • Heartseeker Duration – from Basic Augments

General Tempering Improvements

  • Fixed an issue where there was no indication on how to unlock Tempering if the player failed to pick up their first recipe. The quest now properly guides the player to pick up the free recipe.



