Blizzard reminded everyone that the Infernal Hordes event is a permanent feature in Diablo 4!
Will the Infernal Hordes Return in the Future?
For those of you who wonder if Infernal Hordes was coming back or not for future Diablo 4 Seasons, we’ve got some great news for you! Global Community Development Director of Diablo Adam Fletcher reminded everyone that we’ll see Infernal Hordes not just in Season 5, but in future seasons too because the mode is a permanent addition to the game on both season and non-season realms!
What Are Infernal Hordes?
Infernal Hordes are a wave-based feature available in World Tier III after completing the seasonal questline.
They occur in the Realm of Hatred during Helltides, as part of a demonic invasion led by the Lord of Hatred. You can play the solo or with a group of friends.
Between waves, players can select boons and banes (stacking effects) to increase enemy difficulty and improve the rewards at the end of the run.
Burning Aether
Burning Aether is collected during Infernal Hordes and is important for collecting rewards at the end of your run. You will gain it by slaying Aether Fiends, Aether Lords, and destroying Soulspires and Aetheric Masses. You will retain collected Aether when you die, but running out of reives results in removal from the area and no rewards.

Spoils of Hell
When you defeat the Fel Council, you can select your rewards from a number of caches, depending on your needs. The caches contain gear, gold, or Masterworking materials!

How to Enter Infernal Hordes?
The success lies in Infernal Compasses that unlock when you complete the seasonal questline. Infernal Hordes come in Tiers 1-8. Higher tiers increase monster difficulty, rewards, and decrease revives.

They drop from Chests of Mystery, chests of Steel, Doomsayers, and with a 75% chance from Whisper Caches. Higher tiers also drop in end-game activities like NMD or the Pit.
Abyssal Scrolls are items used to upgrade your Infernal Compasses without the need of return back to town.