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Stat Squish Confirmed for Vessel of Hatred

Content creator DonTheCrown confirmed there’s a stat squish coming in the Vessel of Hatred expansion!

Rumored Stat Squish

Blizzard’s Inside the Game video from July 22 included a moment where we saw a character at Level 60 with what appeared to be a Diablo 3-style Paragon system, which instantly sparked rumors about a stat squish coming to the game.

The current idea was to squish Level 100 to 60 with 70 being the new cap in Vessel of Hatred.

Stat squish coming in the Vessel of Hatred

Tomorrow, we’ll learn more about the progression changes planned for the next expansion, but for now, it seems the rumors about the stat squish were, in fact, true.

Say Goodbye to Billions on the Screen!

In his latest video, DonTheCrown revealed that in last month’s capture test, the armor cap was reduced to 1,000, and players’ health was also low, likewise, they also brought down damage numbers. This all confirms the stat squish for Vessel of Hatred was not just a rumor! You can watch the exact time when Don talks about the stat squish down below.

Tune in for tomorrow’s livestream to learn more about the planned progression updates! We will be live-blogging the Campfire Chat and posting highlights as usual!


