Avoid This Tomb of Sargeras Mistake: Don’t One-Shot the Fallen Avatar in Phase 1!

If you’re running Tomb of Sargeras for transmog, here’s a quick tip that might save you a lot of frustration!

DO NOT try to one-shot the Fallen Avatar during Phase 1! One particular player did so and it’s most certainly not worth the headache.

After nuking the boss in Phase 1, the player got stuck on the upper level. The worst thing is you can’t do anything to fix this. Killing yourself and zoning in and out does not fix the issue, according to reports.

Apparently, Phase 2 is what triggers the portal to Kil’jaeden to spawn, and without completing it, you are out of luck until the raid resets.

The key takeaway is to not nuke the boss instantly but rather play through both phases the regular way.

Pro Tip: Don’t try to one-shot Avatar in Tomb of Sargeras during the first phase like I did.
byu/dummyjonson inwow


