Check out the definitive Nerub-ar Palace raid tier list! See where each class ranks across all encounters, helping you choose the strongest options for your next raid.
The rankings in this tier list are based on data from U.GG, which compiles live server parses to evaluate and rank all World of Warcraft specializations.
DPS Tier List for Nerub-ar Palace
Dominating the DPS Tier List are Sunfury Arcane Mages, Hellcaller Affliction Warlocks, Herald of the Sun Retribution Paladins, and Slayer Fury Warriors, all in the S-Tier. The remaining specs are ranked by their most popular Hero Talent tree choices in the Nerub-ar Palace raid below.
- Sunfury Arcane Mage
- Hellcaller Affliction Warlock
- Herald of the Sun Retribution Paladin
- Slayer Fury Warrior
- Fel-scarred Havoc Demon Hunter
- Dark Ranger Beast Mastery Hunter
- Deathbringer Frost Death Knight
- Stormbringer Enhancement Shaman
- Shado-pan Windwalker Monk
- Farseer Elemental Shaman
- Archon Shadow Priest
- Deathstalker Assassination Rogue
- Soul Harvester Affliction Warlock
- Diabolist Destruction Warlock
- Keeper of the Grove Balance Druid
- Scalecommander Devastation Evoker
- Chronowarden Augmentation Evoker
- Rider of the Apocalypse Unholy Death Knight
- Sentinel Marksmanship Hunter
- Slayer Arms Warrior
- Spellslinger Frost Mage
- Diabolist Demonology Warlock
- Sentinel Survival Hunter
- Fatebound Outlaw Rogue
- Trickster Subtlety Rogue
- Wildstalker Feral Druid
- Sunfury Fire Mage
- Scalecommander Augmentation Evoker
- Dark Ranger Marksmanship Hunter
- Deathstalker Subtlety Rogue
- Druid of the Claw Feral Druid
- Soul Harvester Demonology Warlock
- Elune’s Chosen Balance Druid
- Rider of the Apocalypse Frost Death Knight
- Conduit of the Celestials Windwalker Monk
- Hellcaller Destruction Warlock
- Fatebound Assassination Rogue
- Stormbringer Elemental Shaman
- Templar Retribution Paladin
- Flameshaper Devastation Evoker
- Frostfire Frost Mage
- Aldrachi Reaver Havoc Demon Hunter
- Voidweaver Shadow Priest
- Pack Leader Beast Mastery Hunter
- Trickster Outlaw Rogue
- Pack Leader Survival Hunter
- San’layn Unholy Death Knight
- Spellslinger Arcane Mage
- Colossus Arms Warrior
- Frostfire Fire Mage
- Mountain Thane Fury Warrior
- Totemic Enhancement Shaman
Healer Tier List for Nerub-ar Palace
The top healing specs in Nerub-ar Palace currently are Holy Priest and Restoration Shaman, both in S-Tier. The least utilized Hero Talent tree in raids is Oracle Holy Priest and Wildstalker Restoration Druid.
- Archon Holy Priest
- Totemic Restoration Shaman
- Flameshaper Preservation Evoker
- Conduit of the Celestials Mistweaver Monk
- Herald of the Sun Holy Paladin
- Chronowarden Preservation Evoker
- Keeper of the Grove Restoration Druid
- Voidweaver Discipline Priest
- Lightsmith Holy Paladin
- Master of Harmony Mistweaver Monk
- Farseer Restoration Shaman
- Oracle Discipline Priest
- Oracle Holy Priest
- Wildstalker Restoration Druid
Tank Tier List for Nerub-ar Palace
Dominating the top tank choice currently is Deathbringer Blood Death Knight in the S-Tier. On the contrary, the least popular tanks are Master of Harmony Brewmaster Monks, and San’layn Blood Death Knights.
- Deathbringer Blood Death Knight
- Fel-scarred Vengeance Demon Hunter
- Mountain Thane Protection Warrior
- Shado-pan Brewmaster Monk
- Druid of the Claw Guardian Druid
- Elune’s Chosen Guardian Druid
- Templar Protection Paladin
- Colossus Protection Warrior
- Lightsmith Protection Paladin
- Aldrachi Reaver Vengeance Demon Hunter
- Master of Harmony Brewmaster Monk
- San’layn Blood Death Knight