November Trading Post Tease: Warcraft 3 Faction Themed Back Pieces, Including a Frostmourne One!

Update: we now have even more reveals for November’s Trading Post! Head on over here for a Sylvanas transmog set, a very Shalamayne-looking sword, and plenty more!

We’re coming up on the next month for the Trading Post and it’s set to be a huge one! With the 20th Anniversary event ongoing, and the actual anniversary date in November, not to mention Warcraft’s 30th, next month’s Trading Post is set to be something very special.

Faction Back Cosmetics

Today Blizzard teased part of that, as they showed off four back cosmetics that will be available. Each is themed after one of the major factions from Warcraft 3, with the Horde and Alliance, obviously, but also Forsaken and Night Elf. The Forsaken get a particularly awesome Frostmourne-looking one, and the standard Alliance Lordaeron crest is also pretty great. The only slightly disappointing one is the Horde, as the Night Elves also get a great option.

Which one is your favorite and why is it Forsaken?



