War Within and Classic Weekly Hotfix Summary: November 11th – 17th

We only had two hotfix batches this past week, but they covered the three main branches of WoW.

In The War Within we start with some light class tweaks. Fixes arrive for Druids and Hunters, as well as a PvP nerf for Beast Mastery specifically. A Delve and a dungeon also get a nerf and a fix. The anniversary event got the most changes. The food quests no longer steal your excess materials, the event grounds became a sanctuary from PvP (but not from Doomwalker), and more.

Meanwhile over on Classic, we have Firelands and class fixes, and a mob escaping the Blackfathom Deeps and terrorizing capital cities was restrained!


  • Druid
    • Wildshape Mastery bonuses to your next Ferocious Bite or Mangle will now be consumed by abilities cast by Convoke the Spirits.
  • Hunter
    • Extra Tranquilizing Shots from Kodo Tranquilizer will no longer strike targets out of combat.
    • Beast Mastery
      • Dark Ranger: Black Arrow damage decreased by 15% in PvP combat.
      • Dark Ranger: Hunter’s Prey now increases the damage of Kill Shot by 5% per stack in PvP combat (was 10%).


  • Anub’vir will no longer be accompanied by two Nerubian Threadmancers, and the damage of Impaling Spikes has been reduced by 30%.

Dungeons and Raids

  • The Necrotic Wake
    • Resolved an issue causing players to get stuck on taxi path of Rimebinder’s Dark Exile.

Player versus Player

  • Paladin
    • Retribution
      • Resolved an issue causing Judgment to not be castable at totems when talented into Blessed Champion.

WoW’s 20th Anniversary

  • Fixed several issues affecting “Pirate Foods and Superstitions”.
  • Fixed an issue with “Pirate Gastronomy” that caused all quantities of the required ingredients to be removed from your inventory. Now, only the quantities needed for the quest are removed, as expected.
  • Due to the horrors of repeated acts of violence at the Anniversary grounds, the Bronze Dragonflight organizers have made it a Sanctuary area. They kindly ask guests to take their conflicts outside the grounds.
  • The Torch of Pyrreth now reactivates after combat.
  • Fixed an issue causing Ethereal Scavenger’s Shield Bash in Mana-Tombs to inflict too much damage.

Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed an issue preventing the completion of the Twin Peaks Mountaineer.
  • Shaman
    • Fire Elemental should now correctly focus on your latest flame shock target.
  • Firelands
    • Alysrazor should no longer fail to fall to the ground if she is killed while in the air.

Season of Discovery

  • Sylvan Vest now correctly has Stamina (was Strength).
  • Fixed an issue where your sleeping dopplegangers could escape from Blackfathom Deeps and disrupt capital cities.



