A Debt Knight: Negative 11,000+ Talent Points, But 1200+ Ranks in a Single Talent!

One unlucky player’s old Death Knight turned so unholy that his talent tree went into negative points. A lot of negative points, namely -11114 points in debt, as of the last count.

Gazgemauch got am unholy surprise while trying to respec their old Death Knight. A slight deficit in talent points occurred. A whole lot of talents are very bugged as not only is the visual of available talent points steadily going down, but the rank cap on them has gone infinite! As of the last count, Raise Dead is sitting at rank 1213!

Any attempt at fixing it or resetting put them further in debt, just like getting a college degree. And so the 1,700 you can see above quickly turned into 11114, and it just keeps going! Even restarting the game doesn’t work. It does give the talents back, but the same ones remain bugged. Now, of course, you can never actually use these crazy high rank talents as you can never validate the build, since it’s in the negative.

The community was quick to offer some funny, but potentially shady, solutions to the problem.

On the cheekier side the comments are rolling in like a blizzard.

This isn’t an isolated issue and has been happening for quite a while now, as one Demon Hunter player can attest. This particular one is from a few months ago, so it’s still not fixed. We can probably safely assume it’s not a talent point inflation, or a class nerf.

It’s a shame that the game doesn’t allow you to validate the talent tree respec, so we can’t see a rank 1213 Raise Dead. Or as Gazgemauch puts it, “That hotkey is going to raise the entirety of Maldraxxus”.



