Epic Last-Minute Zekvir Kills: Players Beat Season 1 Boss Just Before New Season Start

As Season 2 kicks off, players are sharing their final moments of triumph over Zekvir, the pinnacle boss of Season 1!

Screenshots flooding Reddit showcase last-minute kills, with some defeating the boss just moments before the new season. The rush to secure the Delver's Dirigible Schematic: Void iconDelver’s Dirigible Schematic: Void before the new season is real and the feeling must be amazing!

I beat Zekvir ?? on the last possible day
byu/CycleOfNihilism inwow
Another last minute Zekvir, as I procrastinated this for far too long, but it’s finally dead. Shadow priest was surprisingly good for this, I see why people recommended it.
byu/Rattjamann inwow
Last Minute Gang sound off
byu/Kaelzoroden inwow
byu/zorrobusco inwow
I finally did it!
byu/sushiKid07 inwow

Congrats everyone. Hopefully, The Underpin is ready!



