Here’s a compilation of all our coverage and daily summaries related to the Liberation of Undermine Race to World First.
- Liberation of Undermine RWF Day 5: EU Catch-up, Enraged Trash Rolling
- Liberation of Undermine RWF Day 4: The First Real Day of the Race? 3/8, World Firsts, Liquid Catch-Up and More
- Liberation of Undermine RWF Day 3: A Fight for the 2nd World First, Gallywix H Down
- Liberation of Undermine RWF Day 2: The Biggest Exploit in a While and Some Second Boss Action
- Blizzard Address Mythic Gallywix Kill: It Was an Exploit Using an “Internal Spell”
- Final Boss of Latest Raid, Gallywix Mythic, Goes Down and a Guild Gets in the Hall of Fame! Oh, Wait, It’s an Exploit.
- Day 1 Summary : A few Mythic kills, Normal Gallywix, and more