How to capture endemic life

Monster Hunter Wilds & the Unique Capturable Endemic Creatures!

In Monster Hunter Wilds, the massive environments are filled with a rich variety of endemic life—small creatures that inhabit the game’s diverse biomes. You can capture these creatures using the Capture Net, which offers opportunities to gather resources, complete side quests, and earn achievements. However, while most of the time we look out for small bugs, butterflies, birds… There are a lot more things you can catch!

Capturing Endemic Life

To capture endemic life, you have to equip the Capture Net from your Item Bar first. After that, by aiming at the target creature and deploying the net, you can successfully capture any small (or big) creature considered Endemic Life. This method also works for fishing, as fish are considered part of the endemic life in the game.

Notable Endemic Creatures

  • Sandstars: These creatures are found in the sandy areas of the Windward Plains, particularly at nighttime during periods of abundance. Capturing a Sandstar is essential for completing the Samin’s Special Research Report side quest and earning the I Caught a Shooting Star! Achievement.
  • Giant Vigorwasps: Larger versions of the typical healing vigorwasps, these can be located in regions like the Windward Plains, Scarlet Forest, and Ruins of Wyveria during times of plenty. While they do not provide healing benefits upon capture, they may yield honey, useful for crafting items or cooking.
  • Pink Landlight Shrimp: Exclusive to the Oilwell Basin, these creatures can be found near gas vents and are more commonly seen during the Firespring.
  • Dapperwings: Often spotted in the Forest region, especially around areas 12 and 17, Dapperwings are required for certain tasks, including the Samin’s Research Report side quest.

There are, of course, many more Endemic creatures you can capture with your net! We recommend you to explore each zone at different times of the day and in different weather in order to find them all. Usually, throwing your net at almost everything will eventually work out. This way, you may find bigger creatures than just bugs, just like this Reddit user did:

Benefits of Capturing Endemic Life

Capturing endemic life not only makes the hunting experience richer but also provides valuable resources! It even contributes to the completion of various quests and achievements. We encourage you to explore each biome thoroughly, as these small creatures can be easily overlooked but offer significant rewards!


