Hedgehog Mounts Coming in Patch 11.1.5

We’ve datamined new hedgehog mounts coming to the Trading Post in Patch 11.1.5!

There are multiple variations of the mounts, all currently indicating the Trading Post as their prime source.

Spring Harvesthog

The Spring Harvesthog is at it’s most energetic in the early morning. It will spend most of its day snuffling for food or bellowing out calls for other harvesthogs.

Summer Harvesthog

The Summer Harvesthog enjoys laying out in the sun or going for a swim in a clear lake. They are excellent at foraging for food, but need to be coaxed into it.

Winter Harvesthog

Winter Harvesthogs are primarily nocturnal creatures. They are slightly slower than other harvesthogs, but their endurance is unmatched.

Autumn Harvesthog

Autumn Harvesthogs excel in snuffling for food in the cooler months. Their keen sense of smell makes them excellent companions for a forest forage, but difficult to control in aromatic settings.



