There’s a lot of great stuff coming with season 8, and we have a preview for some of the new items arriving. Blizzard revealed one Unique and one legendary Aspect for each class, with some Vampiric Curse action, massive Poison Trap benefits, and more.
Bane of Ahjed-Den (Unique Gloves):
+4-6 Ranks of Mighty Throw
+114-150% Critical Strike Damage
+7-10 Fury Per Second
+8-12.5% Cooldown Reduction
Unique Power
Every 12 seconds, your next Mighty Throw detonates its pulses instantly as Fire Damage and deals 400-600% increased damage.
Aspect of Delayed Extinction (Offensive Aspect): Mighty Throw and Steel Grasp now gain multiplicative damage instead of cooldown from Cooldown Reduction and their damage is increased by another 125-250%[x].
Gathlen’s Birthright (Unique Helm):
Inherent: Anima of the Forest Grants 15% Attack Speed
+10.5-15% Willpower
+224-296 Armor
+2-3 Ranks of Humanity
+17.5-23% Movement Speed While in Human Form
Unique Power
While in Human form, Critical Striking enemies with Nature Magic 400-200 times grants you Anima of the Forest for 10 seconds.
While infused with Anima of the Forest you gain the Perfect Storm and Earthen Might Key Passives.
Aspect of Impending Deluge (Offensive Aspect): Storm Strike’s damage is increased by 50%[x] and increases the damage the target takes from your other Skills by 20-40%[x] for 6 seconds.
Sanquivor, Blade of Zir (Unique Two-Hand Sword):
Inherent: +60% Skeleton Mage and Golem Damage
+32-50% Chance for Army of the Dead to Deal Double Damage
+160-188 Intelligence
+1,060-1,142 Maximum Life
+2 Ranks of Skeleton Warrior Mastery, Skeleton Mage Mastery, and Golem Mastery
Unique Power
Your Summons’ damage afflict enemies with Vampiric Curse. Consuming a Corpse also contributes a soul to Vampiric Curse, which can now stack up to 20 souls.
Army of the Dead can now unleash the souls from Vampiric Curse, causing both Army of the Dead and the souls to deal 5-10% increased damage per soul unleashed.
Aspect of Service and Sacrifice (Offensive Aspect): Skeleton Warriors explode on death, dealing (100-200%) Physical damage to surrounding enemies. They lose 25% Health per second while in combat. Skeleton Mages take 90% reduced damage and deal 50-100%[x] increased damage.
Band of Ichorous Rose (Unique Gloves):
Inherent: +4 Maximum Poison Traps
+10.5-15% Attack Speed
+3-5% Maximum Poison Resistance
+41.5-55% Poison Resistance
18.5-27.5% Chance for Poison Trap to Cast Twice
Unique Power
Poison Trap always deals its full damage over 3 seconds and it benefits from all its upgrades, which are increased by 50-100%[x]. Poison Trap also:
Benefits from Combo Points
Has no Cooldown during Inner Sight
Cooldown is reduced by Preparation
Aspect of Contamination (Offensive Aspect): Poison Trap bursts for 150-250% Poison damage when it triggers. If this burst Critically Strikes, you deal 20-40%[x] increased Poison damage for 5 seconds.
Hail of Verglas (Unique Helm):
Inherent 1: 7.5% Maximum Cold Resist
Inherent 2: 50% Cold Resistance
+10.5-15% Intelligence
13-17.5% Maximum Life
+10.5-15% Attack Speed
+4-6 Ranks in Ice Shards
Unique Power
Ice Shards now spreads out with 2 additional shards. You deal 1-1.5%[x] increased damage for each time Ice Shards damages an enemy for 5 seconds, up to 50-75%[x].
Shivering Aspect (Offensive Aspect): Enemies take up to 25-40%[x] increased damage based on how much they are Chilled or Staggering. You apply 15% more Chill.
Sunbird’s Gorget (Unique Amulet):
Inherent: +30% Resistance to All Elements
+16-25% Movement Speed
+2-3 Ranks of Potent
+2-3 Ranks of Furnace
+2-3 Ranks of Acceleration
Unique Power
Picking up a Storm Feather forms a firestorm around you for 8 seconds dealing 150-300% Fire damage every 0.5 seconds.
Every 5 additional Storm Feathers you pick up intensifies the firestorm, increasing its damage by 100%[x] but not refreshing its duration. The firestorm is considered to be an Eagle, Jaguar, and Storm Feather Skill.
Rip and Tear Aspect (Offensive Aspect): Rushing Claw deals 10-30%[x] increased damage and is empowered based on how many Charges it has when you Cast it:
1: Heals for 15% of your Maximum Life
2: Guaranteed to Overpower
3: Guaranteed to Critically Strike
4+: Strikes an additional time