Big Mythic+ Dungeon Tuning, March 7th: 10% Nerf for ALL Dungeons

We have a big tuning pass for the dungeons that’s live now, with 6 dungeons getting changes and one big overall nerf.

First off, we have a 10% reduction in enemy health and damage in ALL dungeons! Then Priory of the Sacred Flame and Operation Floodgate lead the way in number of changes, with The MOTHERLODE close behind.

With hotfixes that are now live, we’ve broadly reduced the difficulty of Mythic and Mythic+ dungeons. As a result of these changes, all enemy health and damage has been reduced by 10% across all Mythic dungeon difficulties, both Mythic 0 and Mythic+.

The following changes will be included with other changes in our next hotfixes update, later today:


  • Operation Floodgate
    • Reduced the speed of waves created by Awaken the Swamp by 25%. The movement force applied reduced by 17%.
    • Darkfuse Shredder Pilots are no longer able to melee.
    • Kinetic Explosive Gel now has a permanent 12-second duration.
    • Increased the cooldown of Surprise Inspection on Darkfuse Inspectors by 2 seconds.
    • Reduced the distance of Bubble Burp targeting to 60 yards (was 100).
    • Reduced the physical damage portion of Sludge Claws by 13%.
    • Increased the cast time of Mudslide to 3.5 seconds (was 3).
    • Reduced the physical damage of Thunder Punch by 15%.
    • Reduced the damage of Turbo Bolt by 30%.
  • Cinderbrew Meadery
    • Rowdy Patron’s Rowdy Yell damage reduced by 33%.
    • I’pa’s Spouting Stout damage reduced by 33%.
    • I’pa’s Brew Drop health reduced by 18% and movement speed reduced by 14%.
  • Darkflame Cleft
    • Ol’waxbeard’s rider melee damage reduced by 42%.
    • Wandering Candle’s Surging Flame is now removed upon Wandering Candle’s death.
    • Crawler Mine’s health reduced by 30% and speed reduced by 29%.
    • Off-Duty Laborer’s Throw Wrench damage reduced by 66%.
    • Coin Operated Crowd Pummeler’s Footbomb Blazing Azerite’s increase to subsequent Timed Explosions reduced by 40%. What a mouthful!
    • Azerite Extractor’s Rapid Extraction groupwide damage reduced by 25%.
    • Azerite Extractor’s Rapid Extraction missile damage reduced by 25%.
    • Mogul Razzdunk’s Gatling Gun damage reduced by 50%.
  • Operation: Mechagon – Workshop
    • Antipersonnel Squirrel’s Health reduced by 93% and can now be attacked.
    • Machinist’s Garden’s “Hidden” Flame Cannon now has a precast visual.
  • Priory of the Sacred Flame
    • Captain Dailcry’s health reduced by 11%.
    • Captain Dailcry’s Pierce Armor damage-over-time bleed reduced by 25%.
    • Captain Dailcry’s Savage Mauling and Taener Duelmal’s Ember Storm now have a 5 second shared cooldown (was 3 seconds).
    • Captain Dailcry’s Savage Mauling now ignores targets that have been hit by it within the last 35 seconds if there are other available targets.
    • High Priest Aemya health reduced by 10%.
    • Guard Captain Suleyman health by 30%.
    • Forge Master Damian health reduced by 10%.
    • Heat Wave damage reduced by 25%.
    • Elaena Emberlanz health reduced by 10%.
    • Taener Duelmal health reduced 10%.
    • Sergeant Shaynemail health reduced by 10%.
    • Added Effect Mechanic Snare to Castigator’s Shield so it can be removed with Snare removals.
    • Prioress Murrpray now has an initial cooldown of 3 seconds on Holy Smite.
    • Prioress Murrpray now clears her energy upon transitioning to Phase 2.



