It was quite a hectic day and could rightfully be called the first real day of the race. We saw another World First, this time on a decently hard boss (well, at the time), Liquid actually entered Mythic, and we got to see some real pulls on all the currently available bosses!
The World First
First things first, a World First! While the first two bosses were pretty easy, especially Vexie, Rik Reverb was a step up in difficulty. Instant Dollars, who had 1-shot the first two bosses had to work for their kill here. It took them 25 pulls and a healer reduction to get the boss down, as Rik was just very very loud! They even had their trinkets working against them, as mind controlled characters were proccing Mister Pick-Me-Up and both healing the enemies and irradiating the players! The hard enrage was hit many a time, and after dropping that healer the guild took a few more pulls and managed to make the DPS check. There weren’t any 1-2% or lower wipes, but there was a 3% for a while, leading to the kill.
And the full kill pull:
Two More Bosses to Sightsee
After they murdered that DJ, Instant Dollars were kind enough to do quite a few pulls on the remaining two bosses, Stix Bunkjunker and even Sproketmonger Lockenstock!
Stix looks like an extremely fun fight, as you roll around in a trash ball and have to be very careful what you do and don’t run over, including your fellow players! Not to mention the flying over everyone with lightning everywhere, Diablo 3 Crusader style.
Sprocketsomething is also quite hectic and definitely the harder of the two, even going so far as to give some people Painsmith vibes from Sepulcher of the First ones, aka one of the walliest wall bosses that ever walled.
Liquid’s Short Mythic Stay
Liquid immediately caught up to the 3/8 status quo, but also ran into a bit of a speedbump with Rik Reverb. They 1-shot Vexie and the Cauldron easily, beating the World First guilds’ kill times on the boss by around 2 minutes each. But they did come into the raid with a 652 item level, and they still have pretty much all their item upgrades unused. Rik was a big jump up in difficulty and it took them five times more pulls than the first two bosses to down! So, five pulls. After having seen how Instant Dollars fared against the next bosses, Liquid decided to go back to gear farming, with some raid trash/lieutenants, Mythic+, and even some Delves.
Here’s the World 2nd on Rik Reverb:
And the full fight:
They probably poked the two bosses in private to get some timers and a sense of the fights, but we’ll be seeing some real progress today. Echo also said they’d be venturing into Mythic today, but we’ll have to see it that just meant the first three bosses or more.
Some Gallywix to Finish also had a big look at the Heroic Chrome King Gallywix fight, with our own Seliathan going into all the mechanics and how they work. This is particularly relevant since we have no idea what’s going to happen on Mythic, and these will be the baseline abilities.
And for the end of the day Blizzard actually had a very fun meme over on r/wow:

Today is going to be a BIG one and we’ll be seeing Liquid grab some World Firsts, with Echo possible grabbing one as well (but less likely, as they still have a lot of gearing to do).