Liberation of Undermine RWF Day 7: Echo Takes the Lead, Liquid Gets it Back, Nerfs, and More

It was a very intense and very Mythic day finally, as we saw some top 3 kills and a whole lot of Sprocketmonger Lockenstock progress!

Echo and Method Take Out the Trash

The day started extremely dramatically, as Echo, seeing Liquid had popped Vantus runes to kill Stix Bunkjunker, popped them as well and immediately got their best pull, with an 11% improvement down to 8%! Things calmed down after that as it did take them quite a while longer to take the boss down. But take him down they did, but it took them another 21 pulls, ending with the 83rd.

That was the World 2nd and the World 3rd came five and a half hours after that, as Method also downed Stix.

Echo took the lead during the EU day, progressing on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock, the last of the mid-tier bosses. During their progression a nerf came in for the boss as Blizzard reduced his health by 5%, taking him down to 12.92 Billion HP from 13.60. Echo managed to get him down to 17% and phase 3, and even ran up against his hard enrage at 7 minutes, the possibly best-named enrage ever: Gigadeath iconGigadeath.

It has a 4 second cast time and, well, does what it says it does.

Echo called it a day a little after that and then it was time for Liquid to push the boss, sitting on a 60% best from the previous day.

The Goblins Attack Liquid, Sprocket Is a Crazy Boss

Liquid had a bit of a tough day as the entire city of Santa Monica had a power outage that affected them, lasting a couple of hours. They came back when they could and started their progression journey on Sprocketmonger. It took them a while but once they locked in and got into phase 3 they basically never left. With an insane streak of extremely consistent 15-20% pulls they just kept getting better and better at the boss, constantly defeating that enrage timing – if they could manage to live to it, that is.

The fight gets completely insane at the end with ALL the abilities just happening at once, as we can see from this 5% Liquid pull:

A Small Sideshow of Exploiters

The “World First” Gallywix Mythic “guild” returned and, well, they did it again! This time around they actually killed the entire raid on Mythic, and even left Blizzard a bit of a message. They were banned again and the kills were removed, of course. You can read about the whole incident here, as we continue with the actual race

Finally, a Race!

At the end of the day we had all three guilds going at the same boss side-by-side! Liquid were at the very end of their day, with about an hour and a half left in their raid day, while Echo and Method had just started. They were all now on the same level of information on Sprocketmonger Lockenstock and the race was on! Liquid were staring down their reset while the EU guilds had another day left.

In the time Liquid were still around Method got some new bests around 25%, and Echo got 8% closer, down to 9. Liquid decided to stay up longer as the kill was in the air and their maintenance was expected to be 4 hours anyway, so an early wakeup time wouldn’t really help them anyway. However, they called it at 1:45 AM local time, ending their week at 4/8 and without another World First.

As always, head on over to Raider.IO for live coverage, clips, roster changes, analysis and more.



