Diablo IV’s next season is right around the corner, and with the PTR for Season 8 now live, Blizzard decided to disable the Boost NPC in these first two days.
New Leveling Journey Testing Needed
The reason for disabling the NPC is the new revamped leveling journey, which should result in an overall smoother leveling experience. The goal is to keep us players more outside of the town, without needing to upgrade items too often during the early game and also increase the value of activities and seasonal rewards. Blizzard wanted players to test that part of the game, and as you can imagine an NPC that instant-levels you doesn’t quite fit well with that.
On Thursday, March 13th, the NPC Mrak, will be enabled again and will offer a variety of things to help you out on the PTR. When he is enabled the pinnacle Belial fight, called Supreme Belial, will also be eneabled.
What Mrak Does
Here’s a list of what the NPC will offer once it is available:
- Belial’s Return Unique Items have been added.
- The Paragon boost has increased from Paragon Level 200 to 300.
- The Unique Item Cache now always drops items of Ancestral quality.
- The Legendary Item Cache now always drops items of Ancestral quality once the player reaches Level 60.
- The Seasonal Menu now includes the ability to learn all Boss Powers, gain Hoard Keys for Initiate, Greater, and Exalted Lair Bosses, and gain access to Belial, Lord of Lies’ Lair.
Level to Max- There are options to increase yourself to Level 50 and 60.
- Complete the Map
- This includes the Campaign, Strongholds, Waypoints, and Fog.
- Complete your Class Mechanic
- Unlock All Torment Tiers
- Fully Upgrade Your Potion
- Max All Aspects in Codex of Power
- Generates Legendary items for various classes and builds
- Grant All Unique Items
- Grant All Temper Manuals
- Grant All Materials and Gold and Obols
- Upgraded Potions
- Fully unlocked and Maxed Paragon Glyphs
- Unlocks Masterworking
If you have never participated in PTR testing and are excited for all the new changes and fighting Belial again, now is the time to do so!