The Most Popular Tanks and Healers in Mythic+ in The War Within Season 2

We’re checking out the most popular tank and healing specializations in Mythic+ right now in Season 2.

The rankings are based on data from Raider.IO, which includes all runs across all difficulties—even non-timed keystone runs.

Most Popular DPS Specs in Mythic+

Earlier in the week, we looked at the most popular DPS specializations in Mythic+.

Most Popular Tanks in Mythic+

With over 2.2 million recorded runs in Season 2, tank popularity shows a clear divide between the top choices and the rest. Protection Paladin and Vengeance Demon Hunter are nearly tied for the most-played tank, each appearing in over 50K runs, far ahead of the competition. Blood Death Knight holds a solid third place but sees a noticeable drop in representation, followed by Protection Warrior, Guardian Druid, and Brewmaster Monk, which round out the rankings with significantly lower numbers.

  1. Protection Paladin – 29.2% / 670K runs
  2. Vengeance Demon Hunter – 28.5% / 654K runs
  3. Blood Death Knight – 16.0% / 368K runs
  4. Protection Warrior – 12.6% / 288K runs
  5. Guardian Druid – 7.9% / 181K runs
  6. Brewmaster Monk – 5.7% / 131K runs

Most Popular Healers in Mythic+

Healer rankings show a clear favorite at the top. Discipline Priest leads the pack by a wide margin, appearing in nearly 700K runsMistweaver Monk and Restoration Shaman follow as the second and third most-played specs, each surpassing 400K runs and showing strong representation in the meta. Restoration Druid trails behind but still maintains a respectable share. Meanwhile, Holy Priest, Holy Paladin, and Preservation Evoker sit at the bottom of the rankings, with each appearing in fewer than 140K runs

  1. Discipline Priest – 30.3% / 696k runs
  2. Mistweaver Monk – 21.0% / 481K runs
  3. Restoration Shaman – 18.7% / 430K runs
  4. Restoration Druid – 14.9% / 343K runs
  5. Holy Priest – 6.0% / 138K runs
  6. Holy Paladin – 5.7% / 131K runs
  7. Preservation Evoker – 3.2% / 74K runs



