The Most Famous/Googled WoW Character

Fame is a relative term. But we’d say that the character that gets googled the most fits the bill pretty securely. And in this case, it’s a pretty funny story as well!

The Man, the Myth, the Armory

PurpleTieflingBard pointed out that one particular character probably has the most visits of all time on Blizzard’s site, and it’s an individual called “Armory”. For anyone not in the loop, in times of old, if you wanted to do some character stalking, Blizzard had a database called The Armory. Most people just googled “WoW Armory”, “WoW Character Armory”, or something similar. And the habit stuck, especially with people that have been playing a while. Old habits die hard, right?

So when Blizzard fused The Armory and its functionality into the main WoW site, all the old blood players continued googling the same keywords, which now lead to a character called Armory, confusing many in the process. We guess someone wanted to be famous. PurpleTieflingBard took a discussion down memory lane, for all The Armory searchers.

Ol’ Armory hasn’t played in a while it seems, having stopped somewhere around the start of Battle for Azeroth, rocking the Heart and a Legion legendary!

Now, this isn’t the only Armory character, as there have been many throughout the years! This is just the latest iteration that shows up first – or she may have just had some race changes!

N_Who reminds us how deeply our habits can get entrenched, and how our brains can work on autopilot for a long time.

byu/PurpleTieflingBard from discussion

The Armory name change seems to have flown by many players’ heads, making this famous character situation even more amusing.

byu/PurpleTieflingBard from discussion
byu/PurpleTieflingBard from discussion

Is It Leeeroy Though?

Some do disagree about the “most famous” part, citing some other famous characters. But since, for example, Leroy Jenkins doesn’t appear on the Armory anymore, we can arguably say Armory takes the cake. And now we’re slightly confusing ourselves. Armory this, Armory that.

byu/PurpleTieflingBard from discussion

It’s not the first time, nor will it be the last, that a discussion about the most famous WoW celebrities has been pulled. Phobia117 went down nostalgia lane rather recently, although standing with Leeroy Jenkins as the most famous one.

But m4ma and Omugaru firmly cast their votes for Armory as #2, making googling his name even more practical for getting to the actual database. So in our books, a big win for Armory.

byu/Phobia117 from discussion
byu/Phobia117 from discussion

We’re sure another discussion will pop up soon, after all it’s the celebrities, but for now you can sound off on your favorite famous character in PurpleTieflingBard‘s discussion. Or talk about your 1000th time googling Armory and ending up on the character named Armory.



