A Companion Meta? All Season 5 Druid Changes in Diablo 4

Season 5 is bringing a lot of change, not to mention plenty of new items for Druids as well. The Spirit Bond and Sheperd’s Aspects alone buff companion builds plenty, so we might be seeing some very Necro-like Druids in the next season!

Let’s start with the changes to Legendary Aspects, as well as the new ones. If you want to check out the new Uniques as well, you can head over here for all 53 Uniques and Aspects.

New additions and changes are highlighted in green while old values will be marked in red.

Druid Aspects and Changes in Season 5

  • Rejuvenating Aspect (New)When falling below 20 Spirit, there is a 30% chance to fully restore your Spirit.
  • Spirit Bond Aspect (New)17.5% of the damage you would take is redirected across your Companions. Your Companions cannot die.
  • Skinwalker’s Aspect – When you use a Shapeshifting Skill that changes your form, gain 827 Heal for 20% of your Maximum Life. If you are at full Life, gain the same amount as Fortify.
  • Shepherd’s AspectCompanion Core and Wrath Skills deal an additional 12.5% damage per Companion you have.
  • Aspect Of The Rushing Wilds (New)Casting a Companion Skill grants you 20.0% Movement Speed for 5 seconds, up to 60.0%.

Non-Class-Specific Aspects and Changes in Season 5

  • Aspect Of Inevitable Fate (New)When an enemy falls below 35% Life while afflicted with any of your damage over time effects, an explosion occurs every 7 seconds, dealing 4% of Weapon Damage damage for each element they’re afflicted by.
  • Wildbolt Aspect (New)Every 2.0 seconds, Distant enemies are Pulled In to you and take 10% increased damage for 3 seconds.
  • Sticker Thought Aspect (New)Gain 11491 Thorns while Channeling and for 3 seconds afterwards.
  • Aspect Of Sly Steps (New)When you would accumulate 50% of your Maximum Life lost, you automatically cast an equipped Defensive, Subterfuge or Macabre Skill before receiving damage. Can only occur once every 30 seconds and cannot cast Mobility Skills.
  • Aspect Of The Dark Dance (New)Every 5 seconds, your next Core Skill costs 230 Life instead of Primary Resource. Will only occur if you have at least 60% of your Maximum Life. Skills that consume Life deal 80% increased damage.
  • Aspect Of Creeping Death (New)You deal 20.0% increased damage over time to enemies for each different Crowd Control effect they’re afflicted by. Unstoppable enemies and Staggered Bosses take 40% increased damage over time from you instead.
  • Aspect Of The Prudent Heart (New)After being damaged for at least 20% of your Maximum Life at once, you become Immune for 4.0 seconds. Can only occur once every 20 seconds.
  • Ghostwalker Aspect – While Unstoppable and for 4 seconds after, you gain 25% increased Movement Speed and are Unhindered. can move freely through enemies.
  • Aspect Of Audacity – When there are at least 5 Close enemies, Stun them for 4 seconds. Can This can only occur once every 20 seconds.

Druid Skill Changes in Season 5

  • Cyclone Armor – Cooldown: 18 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 25% Passive: Powerful winds surround you, granting 10% 15% NonPhysical Damage Reduction. Active: The winds rapidly expand, Knocking Back enemies and dealing 30% damage.
  • Debilitating Roar – Cooldown: 22 seconds Shapeshift into a Werebear and bellow a mighty roar, reducing Nearby enemies’ damage dealt by 70% 40% for 4 seconds.
  • Earthen Bulwark – Cooldown: 16 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 30% Rocks surround you for 3 seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs 45% of your Base Maximum Life in damage.
  • Enhanced Poison Creeper – Poison Creeper’s Immobilize and Poison duration durations is are increased by 1 second.
  • Grizzly Rage – Cooldown: 50 seconds Shapeshift into a Dire Werebear for 10 seconds gaining 20% 30% bonus damage and 20% Damage Reduction. Damage bonus is increased by 3% each second while in this form. form, up to a maximum of 75%. Kills extend the duration by 1 second second, up to 5 additional but the duration cannot go above 10 seconds.
  • Heightened Senses – When Shapeshifting into an animal form, Werebear grants 2% 3% Damage Reduction and Werewolf grants 2% Movement Speed, each for 6 seconds. Bonuses are doubled while both are active.
  • Hurricane – Cooldown: 20 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 21% Form a hurricane around you that deals 187% 346% damage to surrounding enemies over 8 seconds.
  • Iron Fur – You gain 3% 4% Damage Reduction while in Werebear form. This bonus persists for 3 seconds after leaving Werebear form.
  • Landslide – Spirit Cost: 30 Lucky Hit Chance: 20% Crush enemies between 2 4 pillars of earth, dealing up to 75% 140% damage.
  • Lightning Storm – Spirit Cost: 15 per strike Lucky Hit Chance: 15% Conjure a growing lightning storm that deals 40% 74% damage per strike. The number of strikes increase the longer the storm is channeled up to a maximum of 5 at once.
  • Lupine Ferocity – Every 6th 3rd Werewolf Skill hit Critically Strikes and deals 70% increased damage, increased to 140% against Injured enemies.
  • Primal Landslide – When you Immobilize or Stun an enemy, you gain a Terramote. Each enemy hit by Landslide consumes a Terramote causing a guaranteed Critical Strike with 40% increased Critical Strike Damage. Bosses always have up to a 10% chance to grant a Terramote when hit.
  • Pulverize – Spirit Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 25% Shapeshift into a Werebear and slam the ground, dealing 88% 93% damage to surrounding enemies.
  • Raging Shred – Shred’s third combo attack is larger and applies an additional 77% 143% Poisoning damage over 5 seconds.
  • Shred – Spirit Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 20% Shapeshift into a Werewolf and perform a trio of combo attacks: 1st Attack: Dash towards the target and deal 28% 52% damage. 2nd Attack: Deal 39% 72% damage. 3rd Attack: Perform a larger finishing move dealing 77% 143% damage.
  • Tornado – Spirit Cost: 40 Lucky Hit Chance: 8% Conjure a swirling tornado that deals 35% 65% damage.
  • Vigilance – You gain 5% 7% Damage Reduction for 6 seconds after using a Defensive Skill.

Druid Skill Ranks Changes in Season 5

  • Cyclone Armor – Cooldown: 18 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 25% Passive: Powerful winds surround you, granting 10% 15% NonPhysical Damage Reduction. Active: The winds rapidly expand, Knocking Back enemies and dealing 30% damage.
  • Cyclone Armor (Rank 2) – Cooldown: 18 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 25% Passive: Powerful winds surround you, granting 10.9% 16.4% NonPhysical Damage Reduction. Active: The winds rapidly expand, Knocking Back enemies and dealing 33% damage.
  • Cyclone Armor (Rank 3) – Cooldown: 18 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 25% Passive: Powerful winds surround you, granting 11.9% 17.7% NonPhysical Damage Reduction. Active: The winds rapidly expand, Knocking Back enemies and dealing 36% damage.
  • Cyclone Armor (Rank 4) – Cooldown: 18 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 25% Passive: Powerful winds surround you, granting 12.8% 19% NonPhysical Damage Reduction. Active: The winds rapidly expand, Knocking Back enemies and dealing 39% damage.
  • Cyclone Armor (Rank 5) – Cooldown: 18 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 25% Passive: Powerful winds surround you, granting 13.7% 20.3% NonPhysical Damage Reduction. Active: The winds rapidly expand, Knocking Back enemies and dealing 42% damage.
  • Debilitating Roar – Cooldown: 22 seconds Shapeshift into a Werebear and bellow a mighty roar, reducing Nearby enemies’ damage dealt by 70% 40% for 4 seconds.
  • Debilitating Roar (Rank 2) – Cooldown: 20.9 seconds Shapeshift into a Werebear and bellow a mighty roar, reducing Nearby enemies’ damage dealt by 70% 40% for 4 seconds.
  • Debilitating Roar (Rank 3) – Cooldown: 19.8 seconds Shapeshift into a Werebear and bellow a mighty roar, reducing Nearby enemies’ damage dealt by 70% 40% for 4 seconds.
  • Debilitating Roar (Rank 4) – Cooldown: 18.92 seconds Shapeshift into a Werebear and bellow a mighty roar, reducing Nearby enemies’ damage dealt by 70% 40% for 4 seconds.
  • Debilitating Roar (Rank 5) – Cooldown: 18.04 seconds Shapeshift into a Werebear and bellow a mighty roar, reducing Nearby enemies’ damage dealt by 70% 40% for 4 seconds.
  • Earthen Bulwark – Cooldown: 16 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 30% Rocks surround you for 3 seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs 45% of your Base Maximum Life in damage.
  • Earthen Bulwark (Rank 2) – Cooldown: 16 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 30% Rocks surround you for 3 seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs 50% of your Base Maximum Life in damage.
  • Earthen Bulwark (Rank 3) – Cooldown: 16 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 30% Rocks surround you for 3 seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs 54% of your Base Maximum Life in damage.
  • Earthen Bulwark (Rank 4) – Cooldown: 16 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 30% Rocks surround you for 3 seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs 58% of your Base Maximum Life in damage.
  • Earthen Bulwark (Rank 5) – Cooldown: 16 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 30% Rocks surround you for 3 seconds, granting a Barrier that absorbs 63% of your Base Maximum Life in damage.
  • Enhanced Poison Creeper – Poison Creeper’s Immobilize and Poison duration durations is are increased by 1 second.
  • Grizzly Rage – Cooldown: 50 seconds Shapeshift into a Dire Werebear for 10 seconds gaining 20% 30% bonus damage and 20% Damage Reduction. Damage bonus is increased by 3% each second while in this form. form, up to a maximum of 75%. Kills extend the duration by 1 second second, up to 5 additional but the duration cannot go above 10 seconds.
  • Heightened Senses – When Shapeshifting into an animal form, Werebear grants 2% 3% Damage Reduction and Werewolf grants 2% Movement Speed, each for 6 seconds. Bonuses are doubled while both are active.
  • Heightened Senses (Rank 2) – When Shapeshifting into an animal form, Werebear grants 4% 6% Damage Reduction and Werewolf grants 4% Movement Speed, each for 6 seconds. Bonuses are doubled while both are active.
  • Heightened Senses (Rank 3) – When Shapeshifting into an animal form, Werebear grants 6% 9% Damage Reduction and Werewolf grants 6% Movement Speed, each for 6 seconds. Bonuses are doubled while both are active.
  • Hurricane – Cooldown: 20 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 21% Form a hurricane around you that deals 187% 346% damage to surrounding enemies over 8 seconds.
  • Hurricane (Rank 2) – Cooldown: 20 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 21% Form a hurricane around you that deals 206% 381% damage to surrounding enemies over 8 seconds.
  • Hurricane (Rank 3) – Cooldown: 20 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 21% Form a hurricane around you that deals 224% 415% damage to surrounding enemies over 8 seconds.
  • Hurricane (Rank 4) – Cooldown: 20 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 21% Form a hurricane around you that deals 243% 450% damage to surrounding enemies over 8 seconds.
  • Hurricane (Rank 5) – Cooldown: 20 seconds Lucky Hit Chance: 21% Form a hurricane around you that deals 262% 484% damage to surrounding enemies over 8 seconds.
  • Iron Fur – You gain 3% 4% Damage Reduction while in Werebear form. This bonus persists for 3 seconds after leaving Werebear form.
  • Iron Fur (Rank 2) – You gain 6% 8% Damage Reduction while in Werebear form. This bonus persists for 3 seconds after leaving Werebear form.
  • Iron Fur (Rank 3) – You gain 9% 12% Damage Reduction while in Werebear form. This bonus persists for 3 seconds after leaving Werebear form.
  • Landslide – Spirit Cost: 30 Lucky Hit Chance: 20% Crush enemies between 2 4 pillars of earth, dealing up to 75% 140% damage.
  • Landslide (Rank 2) – Spirit Cost: 30 Lucky Hit Chance: 20% Crush enemies between 2 4 pillars of earth, dealing up to 83% 154% damage.
  • Landslide (Rank 3) – Spirit Cost: 30 Lucky Hit Chance: 20% Crush enemies between 2 4 pillars of earth, dealing up to 90% 168% damage.
  • Landslide (Rank 4) – Spirit Cost: 30 Lucky Hit Chance: 20% Crush enemies between 2 4 pillars of earth, dealing up to 97% 182% damage.
  • Landslide (Rank 5) – Spirit Cost: 30 Lucky Hit Chance: 20% Crush enemies between 2 4 pillars of earth, dealing up to 105% 196% damage.
  • Lightning Storm – Spirit Cost: 15 per strike Lucky Hit Chance: 15% Conjure a growing lightning storm that deals 40% 74% damage per strike. The number of strikes increase the longer the storm is channeled up to a maximum of 5 at once.
  • Lightning Storm (Rank 2) – Spirit Cost: 15 per strike Lucky Hit Chance: 15% Conjure a growing lightning storm that deals 44% 81% damage per strike. The number of strikes increase the longer the storm is channeled up to a maximum of 5 at once.
  • Lightning Storm (Rank 3) – Spirit Cost: 15 per strike Lucky Hit Chance: 15% Conjure a growing lightning storm that deals 48% 89% damage per strike. The number of strikes increase the longer the storm is channeled up to a maximum of 5 at once.
  • Lightning Storm (Rank 4) – Spirit Cost: 15 per strike Lucky Hit Chance: 15% Conjure a growing lightning storm that deals 52% 96% damage per strike. The number of strikes increase the longer the storm is channeled up to a maximum of 5 at once.
  • Lightning Storm (Rank 5) – Spirit Cost: 15 per strike Lucky Hit Chance: 15% Conjure a growing lightning storm that deals 56% 104% damage per strike. The number of strikes increase the longer the storm is channeled up to a maximum of 5 at once.
  • Lupine Ferocity – Every 6th 3rd Werewolf Skill hit Critically Strikes and deals 70% increased damage, increased to 140% against Injured enemies.
  • Primal Landslide – When you Immobilize or Stun an enemy, you gain a Terramote. Each enemy hit by Landslide consumes a Terramote causing a guaranteed Critical Strike with 40% increased Critical Strike Damage. Bosses always have up to a 10% chance to grant a Terramote when hit.
  • Pulverize – Spirit Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 25% Shapeshift into a Werebear and slam the ground, dealing 88% 93% damage to surrounding enemies.
  • Pulverize (Rank 2) – Spirit Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 25% Shapeshift into a Werebear and slam the ground, dealing 97% 102% damage to surrounding enemies.
  • Pulverize (Rank 3) – Spirit Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 25% Shapeshift into a Werebear and slam the ground, dealing 106% 111% damage to surrounding enemies.
  • Pulverize (Rank 4) – Spirit Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 25% Shapeshift into a Werebear and slam the ground, dealing 114% 120% damage to surrounding enemies.
  • Pulverize (Rank 5) – Spirit Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 25% Shapeshift into a Werebear and slam the ground, dealing 123% 129% damage to surrounding enemies.
  • Raging Shred – Shred’s third combo attack is larger and applies an additional 77% 143% Poisoning damage over 5 seconds.
  • Shred – Spirit Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 20% Shapeshift into a Werewolf and perform a trio of combo attacks: 1st Attack: Dash towards the target and deal 28% 52% damage. 2nd Attack: Deal 39% 72% damage. 3rd Attack: Perform a larger finishing move dealing 77% 143% damage.
  • Shred (Rank 2) – Spirit Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 20% Shapeshift into a Werewolf and perform a trio of combo attacks: 1st Attack: Dash towards the target and deal 31% 57% damage. 2nd Attack: Deal 43% 79% damage. 3rd Attack: Perform a larger finishing move dealing 85% 157% damage.
  • Shred (Rank 3) – Spirit Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 20% Shapeshift into a Werewolf and perform a trio of combo attacks: 1st Attack: Dash towards the target and deal 34% 62% damage. 2nd Attack: Deal 47% 86% damage. 3rd Attack: Perform a larger finishing move dealing 92% 172% damage.
  • Shred (Rank 4) – Spirit Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 20% Shapeshift into a Werewolf and perform a trio of combo attacks: 1st Attack: Dash towards the target and deal 36% 68% damage. 2nd Attack: Deal 51% 94% damage. 3rd Attack: Perform a larger finishing move dealing 100% 186% damage.
  • Shred (Rank 5) – Spirit Cost: 35 Lucky Hit Chance: 20% Shapeshift into a Werewolf and perform a trio of combo attacks: 1st Attack: Dash towards the target and deal 39% 73% damage. 2nd Attack: Deal 55% 101% damage. 3rd Attack: Perform a larger finishing move dealing 108% 200% damage.
  • Tornado – Spirit Cost: 40 Lucky Hit Chance: 8% Conjure a swirling tornado that deals 35% 65% damage.
  • Tornado (Rank 2) – Spirit Cost: 40 Lucky Hit Chance: 8% Conjure a swirling tornado that deals 39% 72% damage.
  • Tornado (Rank 3) – Spirit Cost: 40 Lucky Hit Chance: 8% Conjure a swirling tornado that deals 42% 78% damage.
  • Tornado (Rank 4) – Spirit Cost: 40 Lucky Hit Chance: 8% Conjure a swirling tornado that deals 45% 84% damage.
  • Tornado (Rank 5) – Spirit Cost: 40 Lucky Hit Chance: 8% Conjure a swirling tornado that deals 49% 91% damage.
  • Vigilance – You gain 5% 7% Damage Reduction for 6 seconds after using a Defensive Skill.
  • Vigilance (Rank 2) – You gain 10% 14% Damage Reduction for 6 seconds after using a Defensive Skill.
  • Vigilance (Rank 3) – You gain 15% 21% Damage Reduction for 6 seconds after using a Defensive Skill.


