A Huge Shakeup for Uniques and Legendary Aspects in Season 4 (All Item Changes)

Loot Reborn certainly lives up to its name, as Season 4 brings an incredible amount of new features. However, it’s also significantly changing existing features as well, not the least of which being the old Uniques and Aspects. So let’s see everything that’s changing in regards to our favorite loot!

New Systems

The brand new systems of Season 4 have already been talked about all over the place so we’ll just very quickly summarize them and link to the more detailed explanations. The (very) short of it is that all items now only have three affixes and you can add two more via the new Tempering system. There are also Greater Affixes which are more powerful (numerically) than regular ones. The Masterworking system allows you to increase existing affixes on your items.

You can read all about the new systems in the official season preview here, or in our shorter overview here.

Legendary Aspects and the Codex

The biggest up-front change is the Legendary Aspects system overhaul. Aspects are no longer stored in the inventory, clogging everything up! When you salvage a legendary item, its Aspect will go directly to the Codex. If it’s a new Aspect for you, it will start at rank 1, and each subsequent copy you salvage will increase the rank, until the maximum of 16. Each rank increases the Aspect’s numerical values, so one you’ve salvaged (or received through other means, like the Season Journey) the same Aspect 16 times, you’ll have it maxed out and can always imprint the best version of it on any appropriate item! Imprinting costs have also been significantly reduced.

Specific Unique Changes

Aside from the major systemic changes, many Uniques also got some tuning, but also larger changes to make them work with the new systems. The infamous thorny Razorplate, for example, now has four separate Thorns affixes instead of its one “power” from before, so that it can interact with the Masterworking system and you can increase each individual Thorns affix.


Banished Lord’s Talisman

  • Updated visuals and sounds to indicate that your next Core Skill will Overpower.
  • Critical Strike Overpower damage reduced from 80-120% to 20-60%.
  • Resources needed for guaranteed Overpower reduced from 300 to 275.

Tibault’s Will

  • Damage increase while Unstoppable reduced from 20-40% to 10-20%.
  • Damage increase persists for 1 second longer after being Unstoppable.


  • Razorplate has been updated to function within the new Masterworking system.
  • Now has four Thorns affixes instead of no affixes.
  • New Unique Power: Thorns has a 10% chance to deal 100-150% increased damage.


Rage of Harrogath

  • Previous – Lucky Hit: Up to a 20-40% chance to reduce the Cooldowns of your non-Ultimate Skills by 1.5 seconds when you inflict Bleeding on Elites.
  • Now – Lucky Hit: Inflicting Bleeding on an enemy has up to a 20-40% chance to reduce the Cooldowns of your Skills by 1 second.


  • Damage dealt when Freezing enemies increased from 2.0-3.0 to 3.0-4.5.
  • Can now trigger from Non-Core skills.

Fields of Crimson

  • The blood pool now makes enemies take increased damage from all damage types.
  • Damage bonus increased from 20% to 30%.

Ancient’s Oath

  • Bonus damage duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds.



  • Damage bonus increased from 10% to 15%.
  • Previous – Debilitating Roar and Blood Howl deal damage to Nearby Poisoned enemies, increased by 15% for every 100 Willpower you have.
  • Now – Casting a Defensive Skill deals damage to Nearby Poisoned enemies, increased by 15% for every 100 Willpower you have.

Waxing Gibbous

  • Life On Kill replaced with Spirit On Kill.


Ring of Mendeln

  • Previous – Lucky Hit: Up to a 10% chance to empower all of your Minions, causing the next attack from each to explode for X Physical damage.
  • Now – Every 6th attack from each Minion is empowered, exploding for X Physical damage.

Lidless Wall

  • Lucky Hit Chance increased from 5-25% to 15-30%.

Bloodless Scream

  • Essence gain increased from 7-10 to 15-20.


Writhing Band of Trickery

  • Reduced cooldown from 10 to 6 seconds.

Beastfall Boots

  • Damage bonus reduced from .5-1.5% per Energy consumed to .25-.75%.
  • Energy restored from using a Cooldown increased from 5 to 15.


  • Damage bonus increased from 40-60% to 50-70%.


  • Damage bonus increased from 10-30% to 20-40%.


Staff of Lam Esen

  • Critical Strike Damage replaced with Ranks of Charged Bolts.

Tal Rasha’s Iridescent Loop

  • Maximum stacks now capped at four.
  • All Resistance variants increased from 8%/3% to 10%/4%.


  • Ember damage increased by 25%.

Staff of Endless Rage

  • Damage bonus increased from 20-40% to 40-60%.

Esu’s Heirloom

  • Evade Grant’s Movement Speed Affix duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds.

Specific Legendary Aspect Changes

Aspects also got plenty of changes and there are more of them, so let’s dive right in.



  • Armor stacks no longer fall off independently. They now refresh or reset at the same time.
  • Armor gain changed to 25-40%.


  • Previous – You have 8% increased Dodge Chance versus enemies affected by Damage Over Time effects. When you Dodge you gain 5-10 of your Primary Resource.
  • Now – You have 8% increased Dodge Chance. When you Dodge, Fortify for 5-10% of your Maximum Life.

Of Retribution

  • Chance to Stun increased from 8% to 10%.
  • Now increases damage to Stunned and Knocked Down enemies.

Of Inner Calm

  • Previous – Deal 5-10% increased damage for each second you stand still, up to 40%.
  • Now – Deal 5-10% increased damage. Triple this bonus after standing still for 3 seconds.

Of the Crowded Sage

  • Previous – You Heal for (0-181) Life per second for each Close enemy, up to (4-605) Life per second.
  • Now – You have 8% increased Dodge Chance. Successful Dodges restore 5-20% of your Maximum Life.

Bold Chieftain’s

  • Now usable by both Barbarians and Druids.


  • Now also applies Thorns to Necromancer minions.

Hectic Aspect

  • Cooldown Reduction reduced from 2-4 seconds to 1-2 seconds.


Aspect of Sundered Ground

  • Description reworded for clarity, no functional change.
    • Previous – Every 25 seconds, Upheaval is guaranteed to Overpower and deals 10–25%[x] increased damage. This timer is reduced by 4 seconds when Upheaval Overpowers a Boss or an Elite enemy.
    • Now – Every 25 seconds, your next Upheaval cast is guaranteed to Overpower and deals 10-25%[x] increased damage. This timer is reduced by 4 seconds when Upheaval Overpowers a Boss or an Elite enemy.

Earthstriker’s Aspect

  • Bonus Overpower Damage reduced from 35-50%[x] to 15%-30%[x].

Aspect of the Relentless Armsmaster

  • Fury Generation while all three Walking Arsenal bonuses are active increased from 20-35% to 35-65%.

Windlasher’s Aspect

  • Previous – Casting Double Swing twice within 1.5 seconds creates a Dust Devil that deals 0.22-0.32 damage to enemies behind the target.
  • Now – Casting Double Swing creates a Dust Devil that deals 0.35-0.5 damage to enemies in its path.

Devilish Aspect

  • Previous – After generating 100 Fury, your next attack that deals direct damage creates a Dust Devil that deals 0.24-0.38 damage to enemies behind the target.
  • Now – After generating 100 Fury, your next direct damage creates 3 Dust Devils that deal 0.4-0.6 damage to enemies in their path.

Dust Devil’s Aspect

  • Previous – Whirlwind leaves behind Dust Devils that deal 0.22-0.32 damage to surrounding enemies (1 Dust Devil every 1.5 seconds).
  • Now – Whirlwind leaves behind Dust Devils that deal 0.4-0.6 damage to enemies in their path (1 Dust Devil every 0.75 second).

Aspect of Fierce Winds

  • Dust Devils created reduced from 5 to 3.

Veteran Brawler’s

  • Now increases the damage for Charge, Leap, and Kick.
  • The timer on the buff has been removed.

Of Giant Strides

  • Previous – Reduces the Cooldown of Leap by 3-5 seconds per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 9 seconds.
  • Now – Reduces the Cooldown of Leap by (2.5-5) seconds per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 9 seconds. Hitting a Boss with Leap provides the maximum cooldown reduction.

Of Anemia

  • Previous – Lucky Hit: Direct damage against Bleeding enemies has a 15-30% chance to Stun them for 2 seconds.
  • Now – Lucky Hit: Damaging Bleeding or Vulnerable enemies has a 15-30% chance to Stun them for 2 seconds.

Of Vocalized Empowerment (Previously Of Echoing Fury)

  • Now equippable by both Barbarians and Druids.
    • Previous – Your Shout Skills generate 2-4 Fury per second while active.
    • Now – Your Shout Skills generate 5-10 Primary Resource per second while active.


Of The Changeling’s Debt

  • Previous – Damaging a Poisoned enemy with a Werebear Skill will instantly deal 120-124% of the Poisoning damage and consume the Poisoning.
  • Now – You deal 25-40% increased damage while hitting a Poisoned enemy as a Werebear or a Crowd Controlled enemy as a Werewolf.

Of The Unsatiated

  • Previous – After killing an enemy with Shred, your next Werewolf Skill generates 25-32% more Spirit and deals 25-32% increased damage.
  • Now – After killing an enemy with Shred, you gain 20 Spirit. Your Werewolf Skills deal 10-25% increased damage when cast above 50 Spirit.

Of The Blurred Beast

  • Damage increased from 25-32% to 25-35%.


  • Previous – Blood Howl increases Critical Strike Chance by 5-10%. In addition, Blood Howl also affects Nearby Companions and Players for 3 seconds.
  • Now – Blood Howl is now a Shout Skill and increases Critical Strike Chance by 5-10%. In addition, Blood Howl also affects Nearby Companions and Players for 3 seconds.

Raw Might

  • Now all Shapeshifting Skills contribute to the buff stacks.
  • Damage increased from 35-50% to 40-55%.
  • Stun duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds.


  • Now Wrath Skills also gain increased damage from Companions.


  • Previous – When you are struck as a Werebear you have a 25-40% chance to gain 3 Spirit.
  • Now – While in Werebear form, you gain 10-25 Spirit every 8 seconds.

Of Mending Stone

  • Killing an enemy with any Skill now replenishes the Barrier as well as Earth Skills.

Of Vocalized Empowerment (Previously of Echoing Fury)

  • Now equippable by both Barbarians and Druids.
    • Previous – Your Shout Skills generate 2-4 Fury per second while active.
    • Now – Your Shout Skills generate 5-10 Primary Resource per second while active.


Blood-soaked Aspect

  • Previous – Your movement speed is no longer reduced while Blood Mist is active.
  • Now – While in Blood Mist form, increases movement speed by 20%.

Unyielding Commander Aspect

  • Previous – While Army of the Dead is active, your Minions gain 70-84% Attack Speed and take 90% reduced damage.
  • Now – While Army of the Dead is active, your Minions deal 70-100% increased damage and take 90% reduced damage.

Occult Dominion

  • Also increases the max number of Skeletal Warriors by 2.

Blood Getter’s

  • Previous – Your Maximum number of Skeletal Warriors is increased by 2.
  • Now – Your Skeletal Priests also empower you at 55-70% effectiveness.


  • Previous – When Decompose spawns a Corpse, gain 25-40 Essence.
  • After: When Decompose explodes, gain 25-40 Essence.


  • Previous – Decompose can chain and burst up to 2 additional targets. When Decompose spawns a Corpse, it has a 50-100% chance to spawn a Corpse under all afflicted targets.
  • After: Decompose can chain and burst up to 2 additional targets. Explosions from Decompose deals 15-30%[x] increased damage.

of the Damned

  • Previous – You deal 40-50%[x] increased Shadow damage to enemies afflicted by both Decrepify and Iron Maiden.
  • After: You deal 40-50%[x] increased Shadow damage to enemies afflicted by any Curse.

of Untimely Death

  • Previous – Each percent of your Maximum Life you Heal beyond 100% grants you 0.5%[x] bonus Overpower damage on your next Overpowering attack, up to a 30-60%[x] bonus.
  • After: Each percent of your Maximum Life you Heal beyond 100% grants you 0.5%[x] bonus Critical Strike Damage on your next Critical Strike, up to a 30-60%[x] bonus.

of Potent Blood

  • Previous – While Healthy, Blood Orbs grant 10-25 Essence.
  • After: Blood Orbs grant 10-25 Essence.


Aspect of Encircling Blades

  • Increased damage range buffed from 10-25% to 15-30%.


  • Previous – When you break Stealth with an attack, you drop a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades around your location that deal Physical damage and Stun enemies for 0.5 seconds.
  • Now – When you enter or break Stealth, you drop a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades around you that deal Physical damage and Stun enemies for 1 second. Your Grenade Skills deal 25-40% more damage.


  • Now additionally increases Grenade Skill damage by 25-40%.

Of Surprise

  • Now additionally increases Grenade Skill damage by 25-40%.

Of Artful Initiative

  • Grenade Skill damage increase is now a range with higher potential, increased to 25-40%.

Of Uncanny Treachery

  • Previous – Dealing direct damage to a Dazed enemy with an Agility Skill grants Stealth for 4 seconds. Breaking Stealth with an attack grants you 15-21% Control Impaired Duration Reduction for 4 seconds.
  • Now – Dealing damage to a Dazed enemy with an Agility Skill grants Stealth for 4 seconds. When Stealth breaks, you gain 10-15% Dodge Chance for 2 seconds.

Of Siphoned Victuals

  • Previous – Lucky Hit: Damaging a Vulnerable enemy with a Core skill has up to a 10-20% chance to drop a Healing Potion.
  • Now – Damaging a Vulnerable enemy with a Non-Basic Skill has a 5-20% chance to drop a Healing Potion.


  • Previous – Chilled enemies hit by your Grenade Skills have a chance equal to double your Critical Strike Chance to be instantly Frozen for 2 seconds. You deal x10-25% increased Critical Strike Damage against Frozen enemies.
  • Now – Enemies hit by your Grenade Skills have the same chance as your Critical Strike Chance to be Frozen for 2 seconds. You deal x10-25% increased Critical Strike Damage to Stunned or Frozen enemies.

Escape Artist’s

  • Number of attacks dodged reduced from 2-7 to 2-5.
  • Smoke Grenade Dodge effect Cooldown has been reduced from 45 to 20 seconds.

Of Quickening Fog

  • Maximum Dash Cooldown Reduction is reached from hitting 3 enemies, reduced from 5.

Of Volatile Shadows

  • Previous – When a Dark Shroud shadow was removed, you would trigger an explosion around yourself that dealt Shadow damage.
  • Now – When a Dark Shroud shadow is removed, you trigger an explosion around yourself that deals Shadow damage and applies Shadow Imbuement to each enemy it hits.

Blast Trapper’s

  • Previous – Lucky Hit: Dealing direct damage to enemies affected by your Trap skills has up to a 30-50% chance to make them Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
  • Now – Lucky Hit: Dealing damage to enemies affected by your Trap skills has a 15-30% chance to cause an explosion that deals Shadow Damage and applies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.

Of Lethal Dusk

  • Previous – Evading through an enemy infected by Shadow Imbuement grants Stealth for 4 seconds. Breaking Stealth with an attack grants you 1-5% Maximum Life on Kill for 6 seconds.
  • Now – Evading through an enemy infected by Shadow Imbuement grants Stealth for 4 seconds. Breaking Stealth grants you 10-25% Maximum Life.


  • Previous – Lucky Hit: Making an enemy Vulnerable has up to a 40-60% chance to grant 3% increased Critical Strike Chance for 3 seconds, up to 9%.
  • Now – Lucky Hit: Damaging a Vulnerable enemy has a 25% chance to create an Arrow Storm at the location, dealing Physical damage over 3 seconds. Your Arrow Storms deal 25-40% more damage.

Of Arrow Storms

  • Previous – Lucky Hit: Your Marksman Skills have up to a 10% chance to create an arrow storm at the enemy’s location, dealing physical damage over 3 seconds. You can have up to 5 active arrow storms.
  • Now – Lucky Hit: Your Marksman Skills have up to a 36% chance to create an Arrow Storm at the enemy’s location, dealing Physical damage over 3 seconds. Your Arrow Storms deal 25-40% increased damage.

Developer’s Note: The maximum number of active Arrows storms remains at 5, we are just removing this from the tooltip to make it more succinct.

Resistant Assailant’s

  • When using Concealment, Resistance and Max Resistance have increased duration from 4 to 6 seconds.


Bounding Conduit

  • Previous – Gain 15-30% Movement Speed for 3 seconds after Teleporting.
  • Now – Teleport’s Cooldown is reduced by 1.0-2.5 seconds. After Teleporting, Crackling Energy hits 2 additional enemies for 5 seconds.

Of Frozen Orbit

  • Damage increased from 30-40% to 45-60%.

Of Concentration

  • Previous – Your Mana Regeneration is increased if you have not taken damage in the last 2 seconds.
  • Now – Casting a Conjuration Skill grants you 10-20% Damage Reduction for 5 seconds.

Of Abundant Energy

  • Chance to chain to an additional enemy increased to 35-50%.

Snowguard’s Aspect

  • Damage reduction increased from 10-25% to 15-30%.

Of Singed Extremities

  • Now both Immobilize and Stun trigger the Slow effect.

Of Conflagration

  • Previous – While channeling Incinerate, your Burning damage is increased by 25-40%.
  • Now – While channeling Incinerate, your Burning damage is increased by 25-40%. Enemies hit by Incinerate explode, Burning all surrounding enemies for over 6 seconds. This effect occurs once per 3 seconds.

Of Splintering Energy

  • Previous – Lightning Spear has a 35-50% chance to spawn an additional Lightning Spear when you cast it.
  • Now – Casting Lightning Spear always spawns an additional Lightning Spear and increases your damage with Lightning Skills by 10-25% for 3 seconds.


  • Enemies no longer need to die while Frozen to trigger the bonus damage.
  • Damage increased from 25-40% to 30-45%.


