A New Uber Unique, Drop Rates, Pre-Season Nerfs and More: Forbes Season 1 Interview

Blizzard revealed a lot of new information on Season of the Malignant in an interview with Forbes. Game Director Joe Shely and franchise GM Rod Fergusson sat down and talked to Forbes’ Paul Tassi.

The New Uber Unique

First off it seems the big 6 are getting a new addition, as a brand new Uber Unique is being introduced! It is unclear if it is part of the 6 new Uniques that were said to be coming, or an additional one on top of that. Shelly also commented on the rarity of these items, saying that “It’s easy to add additional opportunities to get that thing, it’s harder to go the other way where you have something that’s common.” They also commented that these items may not be as rare in the future.

New Season 1 Info

There were a few more new details we weren’t previously aware of as well.

  • The pre-season patch on July 18th will be bringing nerfs.
  • Season 1 will be somewhat smaller than future seasons, since It was developed alongside the core game. They also wanted to learn from it and then develop future seasons with that knowledge.
  • There will be no timegated Season 1 elements like story or quests. It will all be available on launch.
  • The story content will be more of a questline, to provide context for the seasonal activities.
  • No new gem ranks coming with the season, so we’re stuck with Royals.
  • Malignant Heart sockets will be converted to regular sockets after the season.
  • They also re-iterated that there will be a new Nightmare Dungeon rotation each season.

Make sure to check out the full interview over at Forbes, as it has more information on the season and is generally a great read!


