Awesome Legendary Aspect Tracking, Comparison and Logging Tool

Inventory management is becoming more and more of an issue the more we all play. Our stashes are getting fuller and fuller, and it’s getting pretty hard to find anything in there! Luckily we found this really useful tool for keeping better track of the many, MANY legendary Aspects we all have!

GravelForce made, which you can use as your backup stash – except this one has a whole lot more functionality! You can search all existing Aspects, by class, item slot, Codex or non-Codex, and then mark which ones you have, what their stats are, whether they’re extracted and more. You can also have multiples of the same one marked!

It’s very simple to use, has plenty of filters, and saves your entries (within the same browser, locally only). It may require a bit of a time commitment to set up initially, as you add all your stuff in. But it’s definitely going to pay off in the long run and save you plenty of time. Just remember to click the “Limit to owned” toggle when looking for things you already added. It still has some kinks to work out, like marking Aspects with multiple number ranges, but that’s a relatively minor issue.

You can use this in various ways, but mostly to compare new Aspects that dropped with what you already have. After you mark them here and decide to use of of them, actually finding it in the actual game is going to be a whole other issue, which the tool can’t help you with. You’re left to your own organizational skills on that one!

Hopefully this helps you decide which new Aspect drops to keep more quickly and easily!


