Best of the Best: Players Find 4 Greater Affix Andariel’s, Tyrael’s and Ahavarion Mythic Uniques!

Season 5 has been really good to players, especially when it comes to Uber/Mythic Uniques. Not only are many players getting their hands on these ultimate power items, some are even getting some perfect rolls!

We have four players in particular that join our earliest 4 Greater Affix crew member! Last week we saw Mondanivalo grab a perfect Ring of Starless SkiesRing of Starless Skies, and now we have quite a few more in the perfection bracket.

Let’s start with Andariel's VisageAndariel’s Visage, as NymeriasWrath hit the jackpot on the OG Mythic Unique source, Duriel himself.

But it’s not all drop luck, as plenty of players are crafting their Mythic Uniques, with those Radiant Sparks being relatively more common than before.

Tyrael's MightTyrael’s Might also has a pretty funny side-story from this week, as a player had been reporting others for a CLEAR exploit. Apparently they were using some sort of cheat to produce infinite Artillery Shrines, and the player dutifully reported said cheating to Blizzard. Much later, the player managed to get their hands on Tyrael’s Might, and only then saw the error of their ways! Being a nice person, they did go and apologize:

We then have a lovely spear, with Ahavarion, Spear of LycanderAhavarion, Spear of Lycander getting some very great affixes.

And finally we have a bit of a repeat, as a second 4GA Ring of Starless SkiesRing of Starless Skies dropped off Grigoire as well!

How has your Mythic Unique luck been?


