Blizzard Brings Back Horrific Visions in Patch 11.1.5 – Full Talent Tree, Unlock Timelines, and Sanity Upgrades Revealed

While there’s no legendary cloak with Sanity-preventing effects this time around, Blizzard is sticking to a talent tree for Horrific Visions Revisited that will gradually increase your Sanity cap and resistance, allowing you to complete more objectives before you take down Thrall and Alleria. What’s the talent tree like and how long will it take to unlock all the nodes?

Horrific Visions Revisited Talent Tree

Here is what the Horrific Visions Revisited talent tree looks like in Patch 11.1.5.

It consists of 5 tiers of power that you gradually unlock. You purchase each power with Displaced Corrupted Mementos iconDisplaced Corrupted Mementos. Not all talents can be unlocked during Week 1 and you will need to unlock more talents on the same tier to advance further down the tree.

Full Talent Tree

Tier 1

  • Orb Operation Manual iconOrb Operation Manual – In Horrific Visions, enable Sanity Restoration Orb use. The orb revives all nearby allies and restores their Sanity. Up to 3 Sanity Restoration Orbs can be summoned in a single Vision, and orbs summoned by any player in the party count against this limit.

Tier 2

  • Singular Sanitation Expertise iconSingular Sanitation Expertise – In Horrific Visions, Reduced damage taken and increased damage done by 5%. Each ally within 100 yds reduces this amount by 1%.
  • Steeled Mind 1 iconSteeled Mind 1 – Reduces sanity drain in Horrific Visions by 10%.
  • Expansive Mind iconExpansive Mind – In Horrific Visions, increases all party members’ maximum Sanity by 150.

Tier 3

  • Singular Sanitation Expertise 2 iconSingular Sanitation Expertise 2 – In Horrific Visions, Reduced damage taken and increased damage done by 10%. Each ally within 100 yds reduces this amount by 2%.
  • Steeled Mind 2 iconSteeled Mind 2 – Reduces sanity drain in Horrific Visions by 20%.
  • Expansive Mind 2 iconExpansive Mind 2 – In Horrific Visions, increases all party members’ maximum Sanity by 100.

Tier 4

  • Singular Sanitation Expertise 3 iconSingular Sanitation Expertise 3 – In Horrific Visions, Reduced damage taken and increased damage done by 15%. Each ally within 100 yds reduces this amount by 3%.
  • Steeled Mind 3 iconSteeled Mind 3 – Reduces sanity drain in Horrific Visions by 30%.
  • Expansive Mind 3 iconExpansive Mind 3 – In Horrific Visions, increases all party members’ maximum Sanity by 150.

Tier 5

  • Emergency Cranial Defibrillation iconEmergency Cranial Defibrillation – n Horrific Visions, upon losing all Sanity or health, you revive instantly and gain 500 Sanity and full health. Occurs once per Vision.
  • Steeled Mind 4 iconSteeled Mind 4 – Reduces sanity drain in Horrific Visions by 40%.
  • Synchronized Mind Stabilizer iconSynchronized Mind Stabilizer – In Horrific Visions, the first revival you perform on an ally costs no Sanity.

How to Unlock the Talents

To unlock the talents, you will need to accumulate and spend mementos that you exchange for 1 Echo of N'zoth iconEcho of N’zoth at Augermu. The first tiers of talents are relatively cheap, but the more talents you unlock the more you’re going to pay for them. For your fifth/sixth talent expect the cost to go up from 800 to 1,100 mementos.

Timegating of the Talents? Check!

During Patch 11.1.5 PTR, we saw a condition that says “VisionsWeek2” on the second tier of nodes, suggesting not all the talents will be available during the first week of Horrific Visions, preventing you from effectively clearing them. Hopefully, it won’t take 5 weeks to unlock all 5 tiers of power.



