Rogue Class in Diablo 4

Blizzard Explain Twisting Blades Cooldown Reduction

There have been some concerns from players that Rogue’s Twisting Blades cooldown reduction upgrade isn’t working as intended. We now have an official response from the developers explaining some recent fixes to the skill. It seems it is now working as intended and may have been overpowered before.

However, there is a potential issue with the blades not returning to the player at all..

Twisting Blades Cooldown Reduction

So the design team looked into it – just a quick note from them below.

A note from them:

Previously Advanced Twisting Blades was granting its maximum Cooldown reduction for each of its casts while hitting far fewer targets than intended. After the latest bug fix the amount of Cooldown reduction per target hit, as well as the maximum Cooldown reduction per cast of Twisting Blades, matches its tooltip.

  • There has been no change in Advanced Twisting Blades’ interaction with Bladedancer’s Aspect. There’s an intentional lack of synergy as they both activate when Twisting Blades returns.
  • There is no cap to how much Cooldown reduction a single Skill can gain from Advanced Twisting Blades while it is recharging. Additional casts of Twisting Blades hitting many targets will continue to reduce a Skill’s Cooldown.
  • We are investigating concerns of Twisting Blades failing to return to the player and not granting any of its Cooldown reduction.






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