The Season 1 reveal arrives tomorrow and we’ll find out all about the next step in Diablo 4. However, the community has already gathered up many issues that they feel need resolving, which may or may not get addressed in the stream announcement. We’ll be taking a look at the most common/popular ones here. These come from various sources, but mostly the Diablo 4 subreddit, with thousands of players sharing their opinions.
We won’t be going into too much detail on potential proposed solutions, as there are many different ones, and there’s already plenty to cover. One of the biggest concerns right now are quality of life issues, starting with…
The Inventory
- Stash space is extremely small, as some are even deciding not to play alts as they have nowhere to put a whole new character’s worth of loot.
- Aspects taking up space is a huge concern, as many just want them to go to the Codex instead or just have a separate Codex-like option for extracted ones at the Occultist.
- Elixirs and Sigils shouldn’t take up bag space at all, but have a separate infinite section.
- Organization of the stash is a nightmare. Aspects of the same type looking the same is the biggest issue, but just finding what piece of gear has what on it is pretty hard.
The biggest QoL feature requested is related to inventory as well – loadouts. Players are almost desperate to get a loadout/armory feature like Diablo 3 had. With so many things we have to do to re-spec, from the insane manual removal of Paragon points to finding the gear involved in our stashes, a loadout system seems crucial for any sort of build experimentation.
Practical Things That Are Very Annoying
- Respawning after dying can put you extremely far away from where you died in Nightmare Dungeons.
- Re-rolling affixes at the enchanter does not show possible outcomes or affix ranges.
- Extracting Aspects should give you the item’s transmog.
- Sacred and Ancient items can be difficult to tell apart in the inventory.
- Paragon and respect costs in general are very high.

Source: Vergildevilslayer101.
- Respec all option for Paragon boards is badly needed.
- Paragon Glyphs need to have their names shown on them without having to click them.

Source: notyouagain2.
Map/Travel Related
- The most requested is a map overlay (however this is extremely unlikely to happen).
- Minimap zoom levels.
- Barricades need to go.
- The mount… needs to be better. It snagging on everything is a very common complaint.
- Mounting cooldowns are too big, especially on voluntary dismount.
- You should be able to bind your town portal where you want (this is related to the below one as well).
- Better layouts for vendors in cities (aka just having them all very close to the waypoint). You can partially solve this one with this tip here.

Source: Chocookiez.
- More build variety.
- More dungeon variety.
- Higher mob density across the board.
- Loot filters.
- Crowd control effects by monsters should have diminishing returns.
- Remove the side-quest cap.
- Playing the campaign on higher World Tiers (aka being able to progress to WT3 without finishing it).
- An in-game World Boss and Helltide timer.
And finally, the really big one – players find the endgame to be sparse and the level 70+ experience to be generally lacking. This one will most likely get addressed by Season 1, so hopefully it won’t be an issue much longer though.
There’s certainly many more issues the community is talking about, but these are generally the top ones – and I’m sure I’ve missed plenty as well. Let’s see what gets announced tomorrow with the Season 1 reveal and how it affects the above issues, as Diablo 4 is just getting started. Meanwhile if you’re generally curious about what a Season might bring in D4, we gathered up all the info available here.