Diablo 4 Late-Season 7 Pit Tier Rankings

We’re in the Season 7 late-season and it’s time to look at the current Pit Tier Rankings to determine how well balanced the classes are, so let’s dive in!

Top Runs

The following post uses data from Helltides, which records top Pit Tier clears for each class. Four out of six classes timed a Pit Tier 150.

Keep in mind some of the runs use bilibili for video footage and we can’t embed them directly without autoplay.

Necromancer Tier 150 Pit Clear

Necromancers have the fastest clear among all the classes. It took 黑巫师@秋葉 just 3 minutes and 18 seconds to clear a Tier 150.

You can watch the video here.

Druid Tier 150 Pit Clear

In second place, we’ve got the Druid with a Tier 150 Pit clear that took 5:41. Congrats to 蓝萌君! Check out the full clear video.

Barbarian Tier 150 Pit Clear

The Barbarian top clear goes to Lk who managed to time a 150 Pit run in 8:41.

Sorcerer Tier 150 Pit Clear

흑우 cleared a Pit Tier 150 in 10 minutes and 13 seconds with their Sorcerer.

Rogue Tier 142 Pit Clear

The highest Rogue Pit Tier is 142 scored by 黑巫师@软萌猫猫超可爱の捏 in 13 minutes and 27 seconds.

Here is the full video of the clear.

Spiritborn Tier 138 Pit Clear

Spiritborn are the underdogs this late in the season when it comes to Pit clears. The highest Pit tier for the class is 138, claimed by WAVA in 13 minutes. Watch the full clear video now.



