Diablo 4 Patch Leaves Characters Eyebrow-Less

So… Diablo 4 has a new problem, and it is not about loot, balance, or endgame grind this time. Nope. Players are losing their eyebrows. Literally.

A post on Reddit pointed out that, after the latest patch (which came with the return of the Mother’s Blessing event), many characters are mysteriously missing their eyebrows entirely. Some players also noticed weird changes to eye colors, like scleras turning pitch black with no way to change them back.

You really cannot make this stuff up. As one player perfectly put it:

“How can Blizzard ask people to pay for cosmetics when basic facial features don’t even work?”

From Eyebrows to Eye Woes

Apparently, old characters created before the patch are the most affected, with eyebrow disappearance, weird eye color swaps, and even stubble replacing beards under certain helmets. One player joked they had to change their beard style just to get their eyebrows back.

Other players joined in with equally funny takes:

  • “Eyebrows are coming as paid DLC next patch. One brow per pack.”
  • “If one eyebrow stays raised for more than 4 hours, consult a doctor.”

Honestly, it is turning into one of the most unintentionally hilarious bugs in recent memory; but hey, at least it is not another nerf to loot drops (looking at you, purveyor of curiosities).

No Hotfix Yet, But Plenty of Jokes

As of now, Blizzard has not acknowledged the bug, and players are still walking around eyebrow-less. Some stopped noticing, others cannot unsee it anymore. But if nothing else, the community is having fun with it, and that alone is worth something.

Let us know: Did your eyebrows survive the patch? Or is your character rocking that accidental clean-shaven monk look now?

The full discussion, and all the eyebrow jokes, can be found in this Reddit post:



