Diablo 4 Season 1 World First Level 100 Race Almost Done!

We’re near the finish line, at least in softcore, as a 3-man group is at the level 97 mark!

Mr_leguan is streaming the leading group, as all 3 players, Vega, Xegly and Leguan are 3 levels away from the top! Now, these are just the players we are aware of, as reported by D4armory, so there may be others out there with higher levels, but we simply don’t know. In any case, you can follow the top softcore group’s stream down here:

And here are the softcore rankings:

As you’d expect, the hardcore players aren’t quite as far along, as the highest level is sitting at 80, with Ex at the top!

And then there’s the streamer rankings from D4race, which aren’t generally accurate, but are for the popular streamers.



