Diablo 4 World Tier 5, New Gem Ranks and More: Datamining

The dataminig has begun on new and upcoming features! DataMineARPG has been digging around and found evidence for a new World Tier as well as more gem ranks in the game files. Now, these could be there for different reasons, testing and such, but it seems pretty obvious that we will be getting more World Tiers and gems at some point, so it is likely legitimate.

World Tier 5

You can read about all the datamined information over here, and we’ll be covering the main discoveries below.

The WT5 graphic.

There is also a placeholder for the capstone dungeon that will grant access to WT5 in the files, located in Fractured Peaks. The game definitely needs a new World Tier and soon, as we’ve seen what high level players are doing on WT4. Hopefully when the new tier arrives it will also be launched on Eternal realms at the same time as seasonal.

New Gem Ranks

Here is the next rank for gems. You may want to hold on to the flawless ones we’re getting now so you can upgrade them to these new ones.

There are also more ranks coming, up to rank 8:

“There isn’t data nor a naming convention that provides a clue about Rank 6. However, according to the game files, Rank 7 is currently named “Magnificent,” and the final Rank 8 is named “Perfect.” It’s important to note that these names may still change before their official release.” – DataMineARPG

There’s also speculation on the exact numbers on the bonuses on the new gems, as well as some minor seasonal information (like the fact that we may be getting season chapters). Make sure you check it all out in the full datamining article here.

And finally there’s a note on how well Blizzard are protecting their data from spoilers and similar:

“Blizzard is actually doing a commendable job of keeping the ship as leak-free as possible by omitting items or data from future content. However, due to my extensive experience with Immortal over the past year, I was still able to pick up a trail that led to this discovery.”

Thanks to DataMineARPG for the discoveries! We hope to see more soon.





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