Eternal Characters Going to Diablo 4 Season 1 With Items and Gold and Vice-Versa

It seems players are able to swap between Eternal and Seasonal characters. This is very, VERY much unintended, will most likely get you banned and should not under any circumstances be attempted. We will not be covering how to do it here at all, but just so you know how much of an exploit/abuse it is – it involves literally disconnecting your internet/unplugging your ethernet cable.

The are varying reports of what you can actually do with this exploit. An Eternal character can be present on the Seasonal realm, and Seasonal ones on Eternal. However, while non-seasonal characters can get Malignant Hearts, they cannot use them once they return to Eternal. The hearts simply do not work there.

What Can You Do With It?

Update: We’ve now seen confirmation that you can indeed trade gold and items between the realms. This means players can bring over Uber-Uniques to Seasonal, as well vast amounts of gold. They can not only then use those items and/or gold for themselves, but also trade it (or sell it) to other Seasonal characters.

Update 2: it seems Blizzard have fixed a lot of the issues with this particular exploit. Players can still get from Eternal to Seasonal realms, but can no longer trade. Check out this article for more information. There’s also an additional bug related to this where players can fill EVERY item socket with Malignant Hearts. Read more about that here.

Original post continued:

The Seasonal blessings can also be abused, specifically the gold sale value increase, with Eternal realm items being brought in to get some extra gold, as well as the extra XP for Eternal characters. You won’t be able to use Aspects granted by the Season Journey Codex on Eternal characters either.

The method also isn’t easy to do as there’s many reports of players trying and failing. But regardless of that, it absolutely should not be attempted in the first place. This is almost certainly one of those times where the banhammer is very likely to strike, and strike hard.

This also may have been patched already, as it has been around a while from what we’ve seen. If not, hopefully Blizzard can address it quickly and shut it down.


