Fear Returns to the Red One: Burning Butcher in Tier 8 Infernal Hordes

The Butcher is undeniably Diablo 4’s most famous and most well-liked monsters/feature. However, he hasn’t been very scary or relevant for a while. As player power skyrocketed in recent seasons, he gets dealt with more and more easily.

Well, Season 5 is looking to fix that. It’s adding a new and different-looking version of the other Big Red, hoping to bring scary back! The Burning Butcher is even more spiky than the original, and Viett caught him in action. He appears in a maximum level (Tier 8) Infernal Hordes wave, as part of the regular enemies, and is pretty tough. Viett even says he’s harder than any of the bosses in the mode, and any Pit level 100-200 boss as well!

Unfortunately Viett is running Tyrael’s Might with the Elixir of Holy Bolts and Whirlwind, so the screen is pretty cluttered. But the Butcher still manages to poke his head through, so let’s take a look.

The actual difficulty on the Season 5 PTR is a little on the light side, as builds are still pretty overpowered, with some tuning coming before the season goes live. And so the Butcher could be back in his scary version with the new season! Here’s hoping.


