Get More World Quests and Reputation by Switching Cartels

It seems there’s more World Quests to be had in Undermine if you undermine your chosen Cartel each week!

Stashed World Quests

Wowhead found out that players can gain access to additional content if they switch to a different faction with the weekly reset. Basically, each Cartel has their own set of additional World Quests you get when siding with them. So far, so obvious. However, what Wowhead dug up is that when you switch Cartels, the exclusive World Quests that are still active from the previous week are still completable! So, if you complete all the ones you have with your current Cartel and stick with the same one, you’ll only get the new reset’s worth of quests. But if you switch to a new Cartel, you’ll get the new reset ones as well as the ones still active from the previous reset for that Cartel!

The number of quests isn’t set in stone, as there are some shared ones between all Cartels. But you’ll definitely be getting more reputation with the Cartels in the long term, sacrificing the focus of going to max one out.

You can check out the NA quests for this week and how this all works over at Wowhead, where it’s explained in detail.



