Healer Brann With Tiny HP, Dinosaurs Running Amok, and Tank (Over?)Nerf: Brann Is a Bit of a Mess

Players are not too happy with Brann Bronzebeard at the moment. Starting with the tank nerfs which didn’t go over too well, his other specs have also been having a whole lot of issues.

Glass Healer

Healers are always the most vulnerable when it comes to taking damage. It’s not for nothing Nefarian kept yelling “kill the one in the dress”! However, Brann is taking this to the next level for some players. There’s a bug going around after this week’s maintenance which sees the healer spec get ridiculously low HP, coming in at around 64,000!

As you can imagine, this means a whole lot of downtime for anything he does! Luckily there’s a possible fix, as you can try to respec him and then bring him back to healer. So if you’re seeing him die a whole lot, maybe check the HP.

Jurassic Bran

This next bug is actually pretty positive, as it seems Brann has developed hyperspawn technology! One of his curios replaces the big dinosaur with four smaller ones. However, it seems it’s just spawning all 5 instead!

Unfortunately, and unrelated to this bug, the dino-AI just tends to break sometimes, as they don’t do much of anything.

The Tank Nerf

This one’s not a bug or even unintended, but healers have been unhappy with the sheer amount of nerfs tank Brann has received. The general consensus is that the damage nerfs, while big, are workable, but the extra damage coming in is too much.

Overall Bugginess

There’s many more bugs players have been running into recently as well, making Brann a pretty unpopular companion!

byu/CynicalSigtyr from discussion

So, how has your Brann been performing in Season 2?



