The game has now been out a while and players are finding all the little useful details for smoother play. Today we’ll be gathering those we’ve found up and sharing them – and there are plenty and most of them are extremely helpful!
We’ll start with a VERY useful tip, and if you didn’t know it, it will save you a lot of time in certain dungeons. Basically you can ignore most enemies in slay all enemies dungeons, as they’ll teleport to you at a certain point.
This one caught me by surprise, as I was literally thinking “too bad I can’t imprint on this legendary, it has pretty great affixes” just yesterday, and today it turns out I was just clueless! Do keep in mind it’s significantly more expensive to do so though.
Here’s another surprising movement one, as you can get better use out of your mounts! This one may only work for Barbarians, however, as it did not on my Druid.
This next one is both obvious and actually not working properly most of the time in my experience. In one particular Helltide the mount hopped over a gap one way no problem, but just refused to do it back the other way.
And then we have the MOST obvious one, that you are definitely aware of, but if even one player isn’t and this helps them, it’s worth it.
Then we move on to the gems section. This also doubles as the single most requested feature, as a separate gem tab has been on players’ minds since the very first beta.
This one might save you a lot of gold if you’re looking to buy a saddle.
And here’s proof from my lower level alt (level 26):

Some are fairly obviously but you might not think of them while playing, so it’s good to keep in mind.
This one’s more of a cautionary tale, as putting higher level gems and aspects into lower level gar will increase the gear’s required item level.
Here’s a larger inventory management tips post with some very useful ones. I’d skip the “don’t pick up legendary/uniques”, but I’m paranoid that way.
And finally, a few general tips, with the one for Helltides being particularly useful.
This one has some solid ones in the comments section, like re-rolling rares first before imprinting a legendary aspect onto them.
I hope any of this has been helpful and you found out something new (I sure did). If you have any other useful tips, feel free to add them down in the comments!
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