Infinitely Spawning Enemies in Cellars

Update: this has now been fixed and is no longer possible. You can read the hotfix notes here.

When thinking about the ultimate loot and XP generating machine, cellars wouldn’t really be high up in players’ minds. However, it seems the short mini-dungeons can be the most lucrative spots in the game.

While the following is based on a bug/glitch and reproducing it would very likely be considered an exploit (which is why we won’t be getting into how to do it, as it could get players suspended), it’s still quite a sight to behold. Items and gold fill every nook and cranny of the small cellar. XP falls from the sky as infinite mobs spawn. And you can even go back to town and it will still be there waiting!

This will almost certainly be fixed soon as it truly is an insane amount of loot and XP.





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