New Level 200 Tormented Uber Andariel Boss Fight in Diablo 4 Season 4

We’re back with the new high level Tormented bosses from the Diablo 4 Season 4 Public Test Realm! This time it’s the actually new boss addition, Andariel, that’s getting destroyed.

We’re taking a look at two runs, both bugged! Rob took her on and just killed her too quickly, so the group had to re-try. You’ll also notice, well, that you can’t notice much due to the insane Dust Devil spam, so maybe check out the second video as well for the mechanics.

The second video, with Baskenater and his group, also saw a bugged out Andariel (it is the PTR after all), so we’ll skip to the second try. The video is in German, but you can at least see the actual boss mechanics this time!


