Liberation of Undermine Raid Launch DPS Class and Spec Tier List Rankings

The (presumably) final pre-raid tuning pass has been announced and the raid is arriving in two/three days (depending on region). Our guide and tier list writers have taken all the changes into account and updated the rankings. So, let’s take a look!

S and A+ Tier Changes

The big winners are definitely Beast Mastery and Windwalker, as they make it all the way to the top tier from B and below! Enhancement has fallen off quite a bit, down to A tier. Meanwhile, Unholy rises to S and Devastation makes it to A+.

The Top Tier Raid DPS

The following raid tier list has been created and is maintained by our writer Petko.

You can check out the full tier list with all the categories, as well as commentary for each spec and all the utility they bring to groups in our guide.

This is a preliminary list based on PTR and live testing, theorycrafting, as well as the tuning notes. It will be updated very frequently.

TierClass and Spec
SArms Warrior
SFury Warrior
SBeast Mastery Hunter
SWindwalker Monk
SShadow Priest
SFrost Death Knight
SUnholy Death Knight
A+Havoc Demon Hunter
A+Devastation Evoker
A+Fire Mage

The raid and accompanying Race to World First is mere days away, and it’s set to be a spectacular one!



