Liberation of Undermine RWF Day 2: The Biggest Exploit in a While and Some Second Boss Action

Another day another billion splits! This particular day of the race slow-played us, as it held all the action for the very last minutes when quite a few guilds suddenly decided it was time to actually try some other Mythic bosses! What a concept!


The vast majority of the day was spent with pretty much nothing of interest to report. Echo and Method got up at 5 AM CET with their server reset and just split the day away, with Liquid joining them when they woke up. Heroic and the first boss of Mythic were the only games in town until very late. We got quite a few new 1/8 guilds, ending the day at a solid 49. Method were the very very slightly odd man out here as they killed the penultimate boss, Mug’Zee, Heads of Security at least once on Heroic, while Liquid and Echo saved him for later, when they had a better idea of which characters would hit the loot jackpot. Liquid did end up moving to Mug’zee splits in the latter part of the day, and we found out they have at least another full day of splits ahead.

The “Internal Spell” That Ended Myhic Gallywix

We have a full article covering this so we’ll just go through the basics. A guild had killed Mythic Chrome King Gallywix, the final boss of the raid. Unfortunately, this wasn’t a Cinderella story with an underdog pulling off a miracle. Instead, it was a massive exploit, one of the biggest we’ve ever seen in WoW.


According to Blizzard, a group of players somehow got their hands on an “internal spell” which they used from their newly created accounts with low item level characters to kill at least two Mythic bosses in the raid – the first one, Vexie, and the last one, Gallywix. They made it all the way to the Hall of Fame and possibly took the name of a known exploit group for the guild to implicate them. Blizzard soon turned off the spell, which was likely a Game Master tool or similar, and banned the accounts, removing the kill from the database.

Some Real Mythic Action

At the end of the day we finally saw someone do serious pulls on another boss. We’d seen guilds poke one of the four possible bosses after Vexie, but no one really committed to pulling one. Everyone was waiting for someone else to find which of the four was the easiest, and Honolulu was the first to find that weak spot in the raid.

Cauldron of Carnage seems to be the next target after Vexie, and despite Honolulu only doing a couple of pulls on it, we soon had a few guilds going for it.

This marked the first time we had some head-to-head action and an actual race part of the race! Vulgar were the first to head into the Cauldron and face off against the robot dinosaur and cyber-gorilla. They got the boss down to under 50% pretty quickly. They were joined by Bound and Consequence, and we had a three-way fight! For about half an hour at least. All three guilds called it a night soon after, but not before Bound got the boss down to 21%!

DMG were the next to join in on the Carnage, very late in the US night, and managed to get the boss down to 26%.

Heroic for the End

We’ll end with some endboss action, as we did see some of Gallywix on Heroic. Vulgar pushed the boss down to 56%, but Unbalanced came in late and got the boss down to 49%, so let’s take a look at their full pull!

And that’s it for the day! Tomorrow will definitely see more splits, but maybe, just maybe, Liquid dip in for a kill or two. We should be seeing more action on the 2nd boss and possibly third as well, as Cauldron of Carnage seems to be going down.



