We actually had a pretty action-packed day considering none of the top guilds stepped foot in Mythic! The second Mythic World First was hotly contested for the entirety of the US day, Gallywix Heroic went down and we got to see the fight, and we got to see a lot more of the Rik Reverb fight!
A Heroic Look
The final boss of the raid is going to be quite something, especially if there’s the rumored secret phase. His Heroic version did not have one, as we saw quite a few guilds take him down throughout the day. It all started with Chinese guild 天猫佳佳拍网游, which was followed by one of Liquid’s splits. Luckily we got some footage out of Liquid and got our first ever look at the Heroic version of the fight.
Literal Thousands of Helper Characters
As a bit of an interlude between the kills, we saw Liquid’s Max talk about the insane numbers of helpers the guild needed to pull off their 15 split runs. For Normal splits alone this involved almost 1,900 characters! It’s unclear how many actual players that is, since each one could have many alts, but it’s definitely in the hundreds.
Other top guilds are in the same boat, so we’re probably looking at over 6,000 helper characters between the top 3 guilds and who knows how many players! Speaking of which, some of the helpers don’t come as prepared, or just forget things since they’re just there to help, so it’s nice knowing that the top players will be nice about mistakes like using the wrong weapon/enchant.
The Godzilla Vs. Kong Ripoff World First
The Cauldron of Carnage was deemed to be the next easiest boss after the first one and became the focus of all the guilds that decided to venture further into the raid. As we saw yesterday, Bound already had the boss down to 21%, so surely it would die quickly. That wasn’t the case, however, as we saw guild after guild come up, take a few pulls, and leave. It seemed like destiny when a guild called The Amazing Zoo got a 2.9% wipe. With a name like that on a boss like this, the guild had to get it. Unfortunately, EU time and sleepiness said no and the guild called it a night. A few more guilds would try their luck to no avail, and in the end it was Bound themselves that grabbed the kill when they came back to raiding!
And here’s the full kill pull:
The World 2nd on the boss came down to an actual race between Consequence and xD. XD already had a 5% wipe under their belt as they got the boss down even lower, all the way to 3% at the same time as Consequence was having their own best pull. In the end, Consequence grabbed the kill and xD wiped very soon thereafter.
In Comes a Top Guild
While Instant Dollars isn’t quite on the level of the top 3 guilds, they’re very much one of the best out there. They run a lot fewer splits and get into the raid sooner, but also manage to finish in the top 10, grabbing 6th in Nerub-ar Palace. Once they entered the raid everything just melted. They got the first two bosses down with one pull each, and then moved to the next one. Rik Reverb went down to 30% after 8 pulls and ID called it a night after that.
And that’s it for the day. We should be seeing some Mythic action out of at least Liquid today, so we could be seeing some new boss action! Make sure to follow the race over at Raider.io for up-to-date live coverage, as they also grab most of the clips above!