Most Popular Classes at Max Level in The War Within Season 2

Discover the most popular classes right now at Level 80 in The War Within Season 2!

Class Popularity Rankings (% of Level 80 Characters in The War Within Season 2)

Below is the class popularity ranking based on the data from Data for Azeroth.

Leading the pack by a wide margin, Paladin claims the top spot with 12.3% of all Level 80 characters. Druid follows as the second most played class at 10.7%. In third place, Hunter secures 9.9%.

The least popular classes are Evoker with just 3.6% Rogue with 4.6%, and Monk with 5.9%. The remaining classes are somewhere in between.

  1. Paladin – 12.3%
  2. Druid – 10.7%
  3. Hunter – 9.9%
  4. Warrior – 8.5%
  5. Shaman 8.5%
  6. Mage – 7.8%
  7. Priest – 7.5%
  8. Death Knight – 7.2%
  9. Demon Hunter – 7.0%
  10. Warlock – 6.7%
  11. Monk – 5.9%
  12. Rogue – 4.6%
  13. Evoker – 3.6%



