New Butcher-Like Vampire Bosses Hunt Players in Season 2

The Butcher isn’t the only one popping out of nowhere in dungeons and catching players unaware anymore!

Season 2 brings new vampire seeker bosses to dungeons! Each class has their own “of the Ancients” boss which can spawn in a dungeon and hunt players! These are Lord Zir’s seekers, similar to those found in Blood Harvest zones, except they are bosses. Here are a few already found by confused players.

The first post below is actually a video, so just click on to see the boss in action.

Who the hell is this? Onore of the Ancients
byu/Searchlights indiablo4

Can find something related about Shay of the ancients

It’s great to see these new Butchers find their way into dungeons, especially since they drop quite a few legendaries! Players have been reporting 3-4 drop per kill. They may not be as dangerous or memorable as the Butcher however, but they’re a pretty cool addition nonetheless.


